What ever happened to RESPECT

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Andy, would you be surprised to know that this parabole does not exist in the 10 original greek manuscripts of the Bible?

not quite sure what you mean by the 10 original greek manuscripts of the Bible, but that story is not part of the Synoptic Gospels (Mark, Matthew, Luke) (70 to 80 AD), but comes in only with John, a later Gospel (85-95 AD)

it is still one of my favorites

by the way, the early gospels include several statements to the effect that Jesus would return within the lifetimes of the apostles (the "Parousia") (Mt 16:28, Mk 9:1, Lk 21:32, etc.). The Gospel of John doesn't emphasize the Parousia and indeed corrects this earlier teaching (Jn 21:20-23)

my point is that these documents are not "hard truth" but
rather different views therein.
Religion actually stems from the "God given" desire to know our creator. Every religion in the world, (including evolution) trys to answer the same 4 questions.
1. Who am I?
2. Where did I come from?
3. why am I here?
4. Where am I going when I die?

Not in all cases TDP. Some religious traditions are unconcerned with what happens after death, and through viewing all of creation as a unified whole, the spiritual concept of "I" as a being distinct from creation or a creator is seen as illusory.

Where we came from and where we go is less important than how we make the journey.

If we believe we evolved naturally over millions of years. We don't have to answer to anyone for our actions, I decide what is right for me, of course every society has it's level of morals, but I decide how I will live and when I die, I go back to the dirt, end of story!

I think this is oversimplification. It is certainly one way to look at it, but I don't believe that belief in evolution equates to belief in a world without spirit. Such belief may contridict the teachings of the book of Genesis, but they are compatable with, for example, those of the Tao te Ching.
Well, Eloi is of chaldee origin and the Hebrew "elee", stated with the pronoun suffix, "My God"
Lama is of Hebrew origin, lammah, and sabachthani is of Chaldee origin, in Hebrew "shebaq"
Aramaic or not. It is not pertinent to the basic discussion.

yeah, these are all related Semitic (except for Greek, of course) languages, but Aramaic is Aramaic, and Jesus spoke it on the cross.

he didn't speak Greek, Hebrew, or Chaldean on the cross.

He spoke Aramaic.

and it is highly pertinent to the discussion. it shows that
your "knowledge" of theology is not as expansive nor as
comprehensive as you might light to think :wink:
Green Manelishi...... you have engaged in a "pi***g contest" with the rest of us, and I must know, for what purpose? I believe you are defending your beliefs, and that's fine. But please don't defend your beliefs by undermining others.

Strange, I did not feel my bladder emptying. :eyebrow:

Long about post #58 there was a response, by moi, to someones "whatever you conceive God to be". And that's all it took.

Provided noone actually mentions the Bible, the Christian faith or absolutes, all seems to be well in a discussion of "religion" , "morals" and "respect".

I need not attempt to undermine anyone's "religion". If that is their perception, perhaps it is because their foundation is not secure and they cannot defend their beliefs without saying simply "says you".

I am called to defend my faith and to know why I believe what I believe. "Says me" is not acceptable. Therefore I defend my faith because I want, in that moment that I stand before my maker to know that I stood for something other than "be happy" and that I was not ashamed of Him or my belief in Him.

For what it's worth, check out my website and that will perhaps shed a bit more light on me and what I believe.

With that I bid you au revoir and good night.

The point in a nutshell is this. I can say Bon jour, but I don't speak French. I can say a few things in Spanish, but it doesn't mean I speak the language. Because a few phrases are used or transliterated into The language of the day. It does not prove that one using the phrases speaks the language.

There are a great many things I do not know, how about you?
I will state my position and why I hold it. When shown from Scripture where I am wrong, I change my position. I do not get the same impression from you, H2
Strange, I did not feel my bladder emptying. :eyebrow:

Long about post #58 there was a response, by moi, to someones "whatever you conceive God to be". And that's all it took.

Provided noone actually mentions the Bible, the Christian faith or absolutes, all seems to be well in a discussion of "religion" , "morals" and "respect".

I need not attempt to undermine anyone's "religion". If that is their perception, perhaps it is because their foundation is not secure and they cannot defend their beliefs without saying simply "says you".

I am called to defend my faith and to know why I believe what I believe. "Says me" is not acceptable. Therefore I defend my faith because I want, in that moment that I stand before my maker to know that I stood for something other than "be happy" and that I was not ashamed of Him or my belief in Him.

For what it's worth, check out my website and that will perhaps shed a bit more light on me and what I believe.

With that I bid you au revoir and good night.


What IS never has to be defended. When you know you know. When you believe, its because in actuality there are doubts.

May you too be blessed with revelation.

Peace :D
The point in a nutshell is this. I can say Bon jour, but I don't speak French. I can say a few things in Spanish, but it doesn't mean I speak the language. Because a few phrases are used or transliterated into The language of the day. It does not prove that one using the phrases speaks the language.

But somehow I suspect that if you were hanging from a cross with nails in your hands and feet you'd be swearing in your native language ...

... just a suspicion, mind you ... :eyebrow:

.. Bob (Grateful Diver)
My grandfather (a far wiser and more intelligent person that I) used to tell me that there are three kinds of respect in this world; I literally had the fear of God put into me over this very topic, for I was but a child of 10 or 12 when this was told to me and it took me another five years to realize what he was trying to teach me. This is what he told me:

1. The respect that is due every person because they are a person. This is irregardless of the color of their skin, the God (or Gods) they choose to worship or not to worship, their ethnic background, their job, their position or the place the call home. You speak to them in a language they understand, not up to them or down to them. You say please and thank you when appropriate and apologize when you have wronged them. Never say anything behind someone's back that you would not say to their face- it always hurts more coming from a third party.

This goes for EVERYONE- I don't care who.....you don't get to pick and chose who is deserving of the right to be treated as a person. Yes the crimes (and atrocities) carried out by (and on the order of) such madmen as Hitler, Stalin, Hussein and Bin Laden are gross violations of every basic tenet of social conduct, but by treating them with disrespect as though they were a piece of garbage, you are lowering yourself to their level by doing any less. This may bother some, but it should not be taken to mean that these persons do not deserved to be punished (personally I'd like to be left alone in a room with Bin Laden for about an hour so I can make him answer for the 343 brothers of mine from New York that he took away from us), just that until such time as that is done they must be treated as people- no matter how lowly and unsavory they may be.

2. The respect that is due based on position or rank; this is the type of respect that I extend to our commander-in-chief, even though I don't like him, think he is leading the country poorly and that he has been responsible for the needless deaths in a war that started over the blemish on his father's reputation, I still respect the position he holds because he is our leader. Personally I think (based on what I have seen) he's a nice guy, just a poor choice for a leader (he's not the sharpest tool in the shed and has surrounded himself with some of the most self-righteous people in Washington) and not particularly trustworthy (although no professional politician is really trustworthy). But that does not mean that I have the right to disrespect him, in the sense that if he told me to do something (unless it was seriously illegal, immoral or really, really stupid) I would comply. This is respect that is due him based on his position....it is not blind obedience or even the act of refraining from attempting to oust him from office.

3. The respect that is due someone because they are a good person. I give this level of respect to few people, and only when they earn it. This is "true" respect and is difficult to earn. It requires integrity which is something else that is sorely lacking nowadays, not just in the US, but everywhere. These are the people I can count on doing what is right. I can count on both hands the number of people I have this level of respect for.

As for finding fault for failing marriages and other social problems...well I can give you make take on that if you like (it's quite funny and fairly entertaining), but it will have to wait for another time and place.


This is what we owe our children and grandchildren (lessons like this). If you are in either position today, and you don't think that this is you duty, then you are a huge contributor to the social ills that will come to pass. Teach right and wrong, love and respect, and the golden rule.

Steve - thank your grandfather for giving you this gift. You both have my respect.
This is what we owe our children and grandchildren (lessons like this). If you are in either position today, and you don't think that this is you duty, then you are a huge contributor to the social ills that will come to pass. Teach right and wrong, love and respect, and the golden rule.

Steve - thank your grandfather for giving you this gift. You both have my respect.

I don't deserve any more respect than anyone else (that was the point of the statement- I'm certainly no wiser (I'll be 24 in 3 months for crying out loud, how much wisdom can one accumulate in 24 yrs?) or smarter than most people who have posted to this thread) but thank you anyways. I would pass your sentiments to my grandfather, but he passed away a couple of years ago. I imagine he already knows your feelings on this. :D
I will state my position and why I hold it. When shown from Scripture where I am wrong, I change my position. I do not get the same impression from you, H2

Respect is also respect for other's beliefs. It's useless to try and change someone who believes whatever they believe. The Bible is an awesome write, from what I have read, but the universe we live in and how it came to be...at least in my opinion...is far to complex for our feeble human minds to comprehend. One day we may figure it out......

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