Well Wishes for Kimber (TekDiveGirl)

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Kimber was my stepmom once and we have been very worried about her. i saw this on another board from a friend who has talked to her and thought u mite b interested. Get well soon Kimber!!!!!! and tell the kids that i said hey.
Robert Parker Smith

On Saturday June 3rd, 2006, Kimberly Thurman was diving on the wreck of the Hogan off Point Loma in San Diego off the dive boat Lois Ann. After her second dive, she surfaced and made her way on to the dive platform and informed the crew she was not feeling well.

The crew of the Lois Ann got her onto the deck and began immediate first aid treatment. She was transferred to primary care within an hour or so of the incident and then taken to a hospital for evaluation, medical care, and treatment.

Since then she has remained in the hospital moving from Critical Care to Intensive Care and will now be moved to a Rehabilitation center. She suffered a serious case of Arterial Gas Embolism. Her condition the first 10 days was critical and grave. However, she has responded remarkably well to treatment and is alive, well, and progressing. The physical therapy will take many months, as her brain has to learn how to re-do many things. Miraculously, she is awake, talking up a storm, laughing, and is on the road to healing.

We are grateful for the speed and professionalism that was shown by all those involved in her rapid and speedy rescue and transport to higher medical help, and know that was a critical part of her survival.

At this time we do not know the cause of the embolism, hopefully some future tests will help find that out.

In the meantime, we are concentrating on helping her learn to do all the basic functions that we all take for granted. We are caring for her children during this difficult time as well. It will be a long journey to recovery, but we are confident that she will be home with her family and children soon.

We appreciate all the well wishes and the contributions to Kimberly Thurman Recovery Assistance Fund. This fund was established by her friends to help with the many day to day bills that are not covered by insurance. All help is greatly appreciated, as she will not be able to work for at the least a few more months. Info on how to make contributions to her recovery fund can be found at

As we have more updates on her condition and progress we will have them posted to the appropriate web boards.

Thank you again for all of your prayers, good wishes, and concern for our friend Kimber.


Sue Schimka (Kimber's Best Friend)

Note: The previous was okayed by Kimber/Tek herself :wink:


So there you have it from Kimber herself. This is going to be a long as heck road. Dig deep people she needs our help over the next few months. A little every month - whatever you can do - it all adds up!
Great news Tracy!!!!!
Thanks for posting!
what an amazing recovery so far.... i know its just the beginning and there is alot of work still to be done, but Kimber has never been afraid of hard work!!

thanks Miss D... this update is amazing and inspiring!!!

my heartfelt thanks to her family and friends that are working so hard for Kimber and her family!
I've been praying for her every night..along with many of you. Looks like our prayers have been answered!
Thanks for the update Miss D.
Since then she has remained in the hospital moving from Critical Care to Intensive Care and will now be moved to a Rehabilitation center. She suffered a serious case of Arterial Gas Embolism. Her condition the first 10 days was critical and grave. However, she has responded remarkably well to treatment and is alive, well, and progressing.

Damn... The Goddess was surely on deck and working overtime getting Kimber out of that little scrape still alive...

It's great news to hear that TDG is making such improvements already! Carry on!!!
Very Good news indeed!
Kimber, you hang in there and get well! That pink wing is a waitin' for you!
This really wonderful news. From what I've seen of her, I'm expecting great things wil continue to happen - cuz she makes them happen.

If this can happen to such a great diver, tho - it can happen to any of us. I'll certainly look forward to her sharing her story when she's up to it. :wink:

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