Well Wishes for Kimber (TekDiveGirl)

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I've known Kimber and supported her through the Airhog times, the Popeye times and now I'm doing what I can during the Kimber times...I remember her talking about her romance with Mick. I remember being nice to her on rec.scuba because she was seemed close to 'Hog and I liked 'Hog. Then the blossoming love on Jack Farmer's chat list. I remember reading all about her decision to move to GA to be with Mick...Then came the day she woke up with Mick dead next to her...Then her operation. The brain op zipper pics, etc, etc...She shared it all in detail. And we shared her life with her.

Kimber, I'm pulling fer ya. You've been a friend...

Well said, Brian. Kimber's been tough and through a lot; seems quite unfair for there to be "one more" regardless of what the actual details this time are.

Pulling for ya, kimBER, as well as for your family too.

I'm sorry to hear about this. My wife and I met Kimber and Mickey a few years ago at a cave divers social in Florida. We had just arrived and they were going home the next day so we didn't get a chance to dive together. It was an intreresting meeting anyway though since it was shortly after an "airhog" fiasco that happened here on scubaboard that, as I recall, resulted in the two of them being banned from the board.

It's never pleasant to see, hear or read about a diving accident (or any accident really) and that's especially true when it's some one you know even if only casually or from the board.

We're certainly wishing her the best.
Very sorry to hear. Godspeed TDG, best wishes for a speedy and full recovery!

Stay tough Kimber!
There are many many people pulling for you!
I enjoyed exchanging pics and stories of our horses.
We pray and send good energy your way.
There will be a fund set up for Kimber sometime this week. I will have more info as soon as the paperwork is done (if the mods wish to verify the legitimacy of the fund, please contact me via PM).
I'm not sure how the donations will be set-up yet (PayPal, snail mail, etc).. but when I have the details, I'll post them here.

** You can find out more info on the website. **

Please keep the prayers and good thoughts coming... For those who don't know Kimber, she's an awesome person who has overcome a lot of hardships in her life. I met her about a year and a half ago... and as time went by, she and I became close friends. She's the kind of person who can make you smile no matter how bad a day you're having... She listens, even when you rant and rave about something silly.... And she cares, she genuinely cares.. This girl, no matter how bad she was feeling, will always put you first~ when she was sick recently, the first thing she'd always ask was how *I* was feeling..
Her warmth and friendliness just shine through, even online.. Kimber is the kind of friend that everyone should have.. And I feel lucky to have someone like her in my life~ when you find a friend like Kimber, that's when you understand what friendship really means.. All of the goofy things we talked about~ cake, underwear, code words, magic cookies.. All of the serious things in our lives... and everything in between... And- she is my PINK other half... :)

One of the main things that stands out about Kimber is a side of her that most of you have never seen... She is a mother... a warm, loving, fun mom who adores her kids and always puts them before her- no matter WHAT. And those kids absolutely love her~ you can see it in their eyes and their smiles.. When she looks at those kids, her entire face lights up with the look of a mother who couldn't possibly love her kids any more than she does already.. she's proud of them... she encourages them always... They laugh together, they have fun together, they are a family who enjoys every second they spend together... Kimber is more than just their mother... she's their friend.. she's their cheering section... Please keep her kids in your thoughts, pray for them to have the strength and bravery to get through this..

Kimber, the last thing you said to me was late last week, in an offline message... You wrote "I miss you :( " because we had not been able to talk for a couple of days... I didn't get a chance to respond to your message before the accident...

..But, Kimber, I miss you too. I miss our talks... I miss our laughs.. I miss our complain sessions.. I miss talking about our horses... I miss you. A lot.

Come back to us :*(​


Casey & Bunny miss you too.. Don't worry about your Rosie~ I'm taking good care of her.
Damn.. I hate it when I have to cry 1st thing in the morning. Beautiful Missy.
Terrible news, but i'm sure TDG will be back soon and better than ever.

Get Well Soon!​

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