Have you had any luck finding a drysuit yet?? The thermalmax 300 is...OK. I've put about 20 dives on it now and it has performed pretty well. I've gotten down to 40 degrees and I was cursing it out because I was cold...but then I realized that I was below what they say is comfortable for this suit. I would say that you probably don't want to get much colder than 45, as the MFG recommends. I decided against the weezle because of the risk of valve malfunction, and although the risk might be slight, I didn't want to chance it. I also got the thermalmax for the same price as you...probably from the same dealer, and you just can't beat the price. Everyone says the 400gm thinsulate suit is the cat's *****, and it probably is but it is beaucoup $$$. But, overall the thermalmax is comfortable and it performs well.
Yeah, I just ordered the Bare Nex-Gen from DiveTank. Heard alot of good things about it - especially for the price. If the thermal max 300 really is good down to 45 degrees I'll be happy. Hopefuly it won't be too bulky.