Vortoberfest V - 2009 Trip Report and Pictures

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A big thanks to everyone that helped organize and supported the Vortoberfest efforts. It was a blast.

And to the Cool Cats (You know who you are), thanks a ton for the Party within the party! I'm glad at least a few of us can cancel our upcoming Doctors appointments!
This should be interesting...

Oh Lordy, truer words were never spoken. I googled it. I don't know what is worse learning about, "the Warhammer" or the "Symbian" picnic table.:shocked2::shocked2::shocked2::no::no::no:
I had a great time as usual! I am so glad we had some fun dives and great food and friendship! It was awesome meeting some new people, Kgirl and Alohagal, what a duo! Y'all were fun as heck! Texastorpedo, it was great to meet you too, next year I hope we can get you on the boat with us! Shane was an awesome host and I can't wait to see what other pics will be coming out of this groups cameras!

Until next year!
On Friday WJeffries guided MrXRay, JHayes and myself to Cypress Spring for an awesome dive!






Video To Come :wink:
She doesn't appear to be blonde... did we miss something? :D

As more pictures turn up, I'm thinking I missed quite a bit! :rofl3:

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