Vortoberfest V - 2009 Trip Report and Pictures

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The Chairman

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Cave Country!
# of dives
I just don't log dives
Three dives today in Vortex: I'M HOOKED!!! Wow. Cool fish, awesome eels and Crawdads that are SCARY! Where is my lobster snare? Thanks to Shane and the gang for a wonderful time!
Three dives today in Vortex: I'M HOOKED!!! Wow. Cool fish, awesome eels and Crawdads that are SCARY! Where is my lobster snare? Thanks to Shane and the gang for a wonderful time!

Ha! You think you're hooked at Vortex, you should stop at JB on your way home... :D
Did 4 dives at Vortex Springs, including a night dive. 2 dives in Morrison Springs, got turned on by a girl from Arizona (forgot to turn on my air). 3 sub sandwiches, 2.5 tanks of gas and 800 miles rt. If your gonna do something right, be commited! But man, why dind't anyone tell me the water in these springs was colder up north?
I had a fantastic time, met some interesting people, and had Kraken's famous brunswick stew! Favorite line from Kraken: Sugar, you're like a peanut with three goodies...you know how you open up a peanut and expect 2 and sometimes there are 3?

"Well...its nitrox"

Thanks guys, awesome time...
Well I had a great time at Vortober Fest. I am home, unloaded the truck, washed my gear and I am now looking at my blackmail photos and editing my dive photos. Thanks to Shark Lady for setting up the Dive boat and to Kraken for getting me certified in Nitrox.

Now thats get the date up for Spring fest.
Enjoyed meeting so many of you at Vortoberfest! Jimmy - hope your ankle is feeling better. Quite the trooper getting in the water and diving with me at Vortex and we did a 49-minute dive! I hope your ankle is not broken.

I have a confession to make - I could not finish Carolyn's Bahama Momma. If I had, most certainly, my Janis Joplin immitation would have been more authentic. OK, it wasn't Southern Comfort, but the results would have been the same. Totally enjoyed Carolyn's shark stories and she truly is the shark woman. She has a really nice voice and I thought she did a terrific job singing "All That Jazz."

I learned a lot from Kevin about cave diving. I still think you cave divers are completely insane, but I can definitely relate to the passion that can overtake you. A dedicated dad who would go to the ends of the earth for his children. I know he will do everything he needs to do to stay safe for his children.

Gordon, what can I say? I didn't get to talk to you very much, but I have a feeling I know someone who may be able to tell me a lot more. Don't ask me who, but trust me, I have my sources.

Pete - so exciting to meet Pete and many of the scubaboard staff and moderators. It was very kewl to hear the history of the inception of scubaboard. Thank you for providing us with this wonderful forum that seems to consume any down-time that I might normally have, but more important, a wealth of information, lessons for life and resources.

Kraken - thanks for the "distance" award and all the advice. I will be able to make use of all of it. And, you know, your singing was pretty good.

Clay and significant-other - thank you for feeding me and for the conversation. It was a delight!

A lot of pictures were taken, but as I recall, there was a promise not to post -- right? RIGHT? !

Great weather...Great diving....Great friends...Great time !!!!!! Thanks to all who put it together, The Clan had a wonderful time !!!! If any one found a weight bag with two sets of BC weight bags and about 45 lbs of weight in it please let me know...THANKS!!!!
That was fun, I had a blast.. I enjoyed seeing all my friends and meeting a lot of new ones and got in a couple of great dives.
The Karaoke was phenomenal! Who knew our talent pool ran that deep! I was constantly looking to see why they had switched to playing the radio, only to find a ScubaBoardian belting out a tune with true professionalism. They were so good that they made it look easy! I would start naming names but I know that I would leave someone noteworthy out!

The food was just phenomenal! Krack Stew was better than he let it on to be, and he is mighty proud of it! The variety of sausages, kielbasa and other assorted tube steaks was almost dizzying as they were tasty and filling. The grilled shrimp and steak was almost to die for, but that's against my religion so I just ate them instead. :D Carolyn's Bahama Mammas were potent! I had two and let Steve drive us back to the hotel!

It was fun seeing so many of you in the water and I wish I could have seen more. Sunday found me out on Scuba Tech's Sea Cobra with Puffer Fish and Ninja Diver. The Liberty ship and the reef were phenomenal even though they moved the anchor on us. I guess they just don't expect peeps to stay down for an hour! :D The after noon dives were even better as the seas got a lot smoother and the dive on the Miss Louise was AWESOME. It was completely covered in a bait ball. I am talking a billion fish here, and you had a hard time seeing the wreck for all the 1" to 6" fry that were enveloping it. Steve (Ninja Diver) had filled his camera and so he left it on the boat. Well, he braved the moon jellies to go get his camera and deleted a bunch of pics so he could capture this dive. Way beyond cool! BTW, I was way impressed with Captain Nancy's handling of her boat all day long! She can Captain any boat I am on, any day and any conditions! It's great to see such competence behind the till!

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