Vancouver Vis Condition

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Sounds good!
I'm waiting to hear back from some others to see how many are going 2,3,4? but the more the merrier I say. I've dove the Islet on the left of the cove and the right side is supposed to be fairly straight forward (according to 151 dives).
We'll post tommorrow (Thurs) to firm up times etc...
The right side is pretty shallow maybe 20 to 40 feet max. I would be up for a meet and greet on the 25th if that works for everyone.
whiskey cove near belcarra? is anything new in the bay surface? last time I went (2yrs ago)there was quite a few more boats and a new boat dock just off shore. the island was cool. just don't try to go left side of it in a low tide. I swam over, water was getting shallower and shallower. finally I had to get out and walk around to the far side than descend again doh! just wonder if anything new on the island. The right side wall I had found a bunch of opalescent nudis and cool stuff and those crabs can sure boogy down a sheer rock wall. I saw one crabikaze who either missed his footing or jumped to avoid my crab grab.
let me know how whiskey cove goes. there's a fun dive coming up there from my dive shop.

PC is nortoriously bad for vis.. i enjoy the wrecks and the thousands of lingcods.
Bellcarra is a good place to go for something other.
For a straight forward dive there is the day marker area at Bellcarra park. It is flat and (boring) but a good place to just splash and practice skills etc...
Whiskey cove has two dives, the islet on the left and the bay on the right. Ther bay is supposed to be shallow but I hit 88ft. on the Islet and was still descending.
For a challenge you can whip over to Bedwell bay and try to find the wreck. VT 100. It has always been crappy vis when I've gone but a good challenge for navigation on a bearing from shore. There is boat traffic and the wreck is between 55 - 65 ft. so AOW or at least good bouyancy skills are required so you don't pop up accidentally.
went diving to belcarra.. one diver almost died in the 4' depth.

dont ask me how..
Two good dives at Whiskey Cove today. Both times we circled the Islet on the left (clockwise/counterclockwise) to a depth of 77ft. There was a reverse thermocline (45F on the bottom / 39F near the surface). Vis was about 20ft.
Glad to hear it went well Dale. Sorry we missed it.

We're going to head there Sunday, assuming Hunter's knee is better. Hopefully the vis will hold up for us.
Whytecliff today: good vis, 30 feet in the bay.
Met and talk to TheWetRookie (Mike) diving solo:happy:. He got out of the water after us.
I've only ever seen a solo diver once, maybe it was him, im going to invest in a underwater note pad.

"Mike!!! How did you get your cert card diving by yourself?... ps it's askdjasd dont cut my air"

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