Vancouver Vis Condition

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tuwanek point sat 2 dives
40' first
50' 2nd

jelly fish everywhere, it was so hard getting down and not hitting a jelly fish. dry suit flooded first dive, had no towels.. so i said to myself "well, i could just sit here while others dive and be cold... or i can go dive again and be cold later"

OPTION #2 was taken.
Whiskey cove, yesterday - about 3' of vis. Nasty soup but lots of life to be seen. Giant golden dorids and even a small octo spotted - allegedly.
Planning a dive for friday morning

Probably hit whytecliff, any other suggestions with decent vis? i know the vis should be ok on Friday and we'll have a much better chance of seeing the ducks do some diving plus more life around.
Porteau was decent yesterday - vis was maybe 20' or so. The wind picked up on our second dive and that stirred things up a bit, but because of the lack of fresh water runoff lately, it's been good.

Oh, and the upper change rooms are open again.
I dove the cut last night and the vis was very good. were you with IDC at Whiskey Cove?
any dive is a good dive if you find an old coke bottle :)

I think we're going to hit whytecliff tomorrow at the crack of dawn, hopefully all the deep water fishies are still around hunting.

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