Vancouver Vis Condition

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We be hitting Tuwanek tomorrow morning.. juicy details to follow, i wish i had a camera :(
I've only ever seen a solo diver once, maybe it was him, im going to invest in a underwater note pad.

"Mike!!! How did you get your cert card diving by yourself?... ps it's askdjasd dont cut my air"

I got my solo cert out of a cracker jacks box many dives ago because I can not find enough divers to dive with that have the flexibility of schedule as I do.

askdjasdskdgyiejhrjhthjiekajkdg, or something like that :D I don't get your last statement "it's me don't cut my air" I am old and slow.
Whytecliff today: good vis, 30 feet in the bay.
Met and talk to TheWetRookie (Mike) diving solo:happy:. He got out of the water after us.

Nope, was not me :D:D:D:D:D

I had a buddy with me, 30cft :wink:

PM sent to you.
A solid 30' at whytecliff at high slack today, it was down to 20-25 with the tide running out on our second dive.
Night dove Kelvin and Lion's Bay Jan 17 and I would give it 20-30 feet of vis. Had a seal dive with us for a few minutes at the end of the first dive (Kelvin). Saw a fleshy scale worm and a baby octo out in the open at Lion's Bay.
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Night dove Kelvin and Lion's Bay Feb 17 and I would give it 20-30 feet of vis.

Thanks for the 11 month old report. Maybe you could review your whole dive log for us. :eyebrow:
Thanks for the 11 month old report. Maybe you could review your whole dive log for us. :eyebrow:

I don't know where you got Feb from, my post says Jan ...:cool2::cool2::cool2:

Oops :lotsalove::dork2::lotsalove::dork2::lotsalove::dork2::rofl3::rofl3::rofl3:
Single dive for us today at Whiskey Cove due to a flooded dry suit (me) :shocked2:

Tide was flooding to a high at 10:30 and there was slush on the surface (Dear PADI: Does that count as a first dive for an Ice Dive specialty?)

Vis was about 15'-20' @ 50' or so. Went out of the cove to the left and clockwise around the Islet. Not tons to see, but got hungry thinking about a fresh crab dinner. Most were too small.

Another two divers were just heading out as we were returning. Didn't talk to them. Was that anyone from this forum???
Were they wearing drysuits and masks? If so.. nope don't know em :eyebrow:

Seriously though, if one had a white pony and the other had a blue/black neoprene drysuit it would be John and Todd (who don't post here). They were the other guys I was diving with on Friday and had mentioned they would do another there on Sunday.
They definitely had masks....beyond that, I couldn't tell as their bodies were below the surface. They drove a blue car and a older model white van though.

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