Vancouver Vis Condition

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I wonder what all this rain and snow melt is doing to the viz?

Ahh, good old low vis diving.
It was pretty terrible vis today from 0-20'
past 20 started to get better, 30' was great vis

Whytecliff, 9am this morning

Jan 10, Dove Look Out point and the Day Marker at WC. both were about 10-15 feet.
Hi all,

Any reports on the vis at Porteau this week or last?

My son and I are considering a dive this Sunday and the forecast calls for clear skies through the rest of the week and the weekend <fingers crossed>.
Abbotsford #3... sounds like a conspiracy :eyebrow:

I'm diving this Friday but what about getting a SB dive together for Sunday Jan. 18th?
Hey BradnerBoy I'm Abbotsford as well. We should hook up for a dive sometime.
Hey r2t, nice to hear from you. Actually, we're thinking about Whiskey Cove this Sunday, or possibly Porteau, if there's half-decent vis with all the run-off.

Myself (Todd), my son (Hunter) and another buddy from Langley are in so far. If you can join in, that'd be great.

PM me if you want to talk and I'll send you my contact info.

Abbotsford #3... sounds like a conspiracy :eyebrow:

I'm diving this Friday but what about getting a SB dive together for Sunday Jan. 18th?
Hi Dale. See my reply to r2t above. A meet 'n dive on Sunday sounds like a good idea.

I am an azz :lotsalove:
I mean't the 25th but I'll try for this sunday too. I am diving Whiskey cove this friday so at the very least I'll be able to give you a vis report.
I am an azz :lotsalove:
I mean't the 25th but I'll try for this sunday too. I am diving Whiskey cove this friday so at the very least I'll be able to give you a vis report.

Have you dove there before Dale? We have not and that's why we want to try it. Maybe I'll take a sick day <cough, cough> as my son has a PD day and join you???

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