Use your CO analyzers

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Angry Turtle, thanks for the heads up. I bought an analizer before a Cuba trip. I will use it in Cozumel too. I like the whole concept of free will. I get to choose weather I dive or not, it is nice to make a semi informed decision though.

I live in Canada, CO 3ppm is allowed here. My lds has a commercial dive side, they test all their air. But the air the rec divers get is only tested monthly. Don't be to quick to trash Mexico, can't get proper testing in Canada either.
I guess I don't understand what is meant by trolling on Scubaboard ??
Trolling is the practice of posting outrageous things on a forum which are designed to elicit reactions from the other posters. An example would be someone coming on here and posting something like "Cozumel SUCKS!!!"
Trolling is the practice of posting outrageous things on a forum which are designed to elicit reactions from the other posters. An example would be someone coming on here and posting something like "Cozumel SUCKS!!!"

Well, I didn't say Cozumel sucks, but I did say I had eliminated Mexico as a vacation based on the **** I have read. Much of it posted on SB over the last 18 months concerning the lack of safe practices.

Its one thing to go to a place without monitoring equipment and get bad air, its another to get bad air when monitoring equipment is in place. When stuff like that is happening, that's a disregard for safety. Too many accidents in Mexico fall into that category.
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I had a nice time here, even with the CO issue. The dive shop refunded to money for the dives we missed and every tank we tested after that day was clean. You can have a mishap anywhere. The diving was great, the reefs were in amazing condition, even with the couple of thousand dives done here each day. We are looking forward to coming back and doing a mainland cenote trip. There are plenty of other places in the world to dive, but you could have an issue anywhere. Hell, I know a guy who got a lung infection and almost died from a tank he dove in the Keys. After many different doctors they finally figured out what the issue was, apparently a bird had built a nest near the compressor input.
Well, I didn't say Cozumel sucks, but I did say I had eliminated Mexico as a vacation based on the **** I have read. Much of it posted on SB over the last 18 months concerning the lack of safe practices.

Its one thing to go to a place without monitoring equipment and get bad air, its another to get bad air when monitoring equipment is in place. When stuff like that is happening, that's a disregard for safety. Too many accidents in Mexico fall into that category.
Suit yourself. I have been to Cozumel many, many times and have never felt at risk due to lack of safe practices. The bridge that falls makes a lot more noise than the million that stand.
I would be that Coz is safer overall about tank air than most Caribbean destinations as some of us are keeping the pressure on them with our tests & reports, not just on SB either. CO is a risk anywhere, and the safe limits are so very small that I will test tanks anywhere I go. On my last trip to Roatan, the dive shop manager & I discussed the CO tragedies at another resort a few years ago, but when I told him I was getting 5 ppm from his tanks - he just denied it and ignored me.
The only place I ever got a mislabeled tank was in Florida, U.S.

In California, U.S. one dive boat used to empty the heads on us divers when we were diving under the boat. Not only was that a bit nasty to see TP and, well, other things floating down, but I doubt that's a very safe diving practice either.

But then plenty of Japanese canceled their trips to Hawaii for years because someone flew a plane into the twin towers in NYC about 5,000 miles away. Some people are just paranoid, I suppose.

---------- Post added March 9th, 2013 at 10:41 AM ----------

Trolling is the practice of posting outrageous things on a forum which are designed to elicit reactions from the other posters. An example would be someone coming on here and posting something like "Cozumel SUCKS!!!"
Whereas posting disagreement in order to start a healthy debate should be encouraged, especially in an area that is still so controversial. But cheerleaders will call people trolls whenever they root for the other team.

IMO, the difference is that it's not trolling when there is good and specific reason for voicing one's disapproval. If I said Cozumel sucks because TSA keeps stealing batteries, or Cozumel sucks because of the northers that cancel diving, those are good specific reasons. On the other hand, saying that Cozumel sucks because Mexico sucks because of a few diver deaths scattered over a huge country over several years, that's not a very good reason IMO, especially when there are reports of diver deaths all over the world, even in the good ole' USA.

I mean, a few years back, a local California dive boat didn't do an adequate roll call and they left a diver drifting away from some oil rigs in the middle of nowhere, not even noticing he was gone until they had moved on to another site. Trolling would be saying "American diving sucks because of unsafe diving practices, so I'm never going to vacation in the Florida Keys because of an incident in California."

Trolling, on the other hand, is not voicing disagreement with a thread that insists that divers use CO monitors when my personal belief, and apparently that of the many other Cozumel divers who also don't personally monitor their tanks, is that it's overkill, not at all a new problem, just an old problem that paranoid divers jump on because they're, well, paranoid.

---------- Post added March 9th, 2013 at 10:43 AM ----------

but when I told him I was getting 5 ppm from his tanks - he just denied it and ignored me.
I bet that must happen a lot to you :) Did you call him a troll too?
Well, I didn't say Cozumel sucks, but I did say I had eliminated Mexico as a vacation based on the **** I have read. Much of it posted on SB over the last 18 months concerning the lack of safe practices.

Its one thing to go to a place without monitoring equipment and get bad air, its another to get bad air when monitoring equipment is in place. When stuff like that is happening, that's a disregard for safety. Too many accidents in Mexico fall into that category.

Well, that is too broad a generalization. My op has both CO and Nitrox analyzers available for your use. Aldora has their own fill station and owned by a gassy guy. (Er, I mean he has alot of experience in gases, I think well beyond scuba stuff. If I am not mistaken, I may have heard he is also including sunshine in every tank. That might have been a rumor though....)
The air contamination issue was not the sole safety consideration in coming to that decision.

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