Use your CO analyzers

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He was one of the dead man's best friends. Yeah, I think he got the facts right. If one of your loved ones died on one of your trips, I would not grill you for proof on COD.
Being a friend of the deceased is in no way a credential enabling him to determine the cause of his friend's death. Yes, I know that you think he got the facts right, but I submit that a contributory factor in that belief is that it supports your personal agenda. It is what you want to believe, which is fine, but when you state it as established fact rather than your opinion, then I must disagree.

Again, I am not saying that I know otherwise, but when you state that his death was a "confirmed case of CO poisoning", it is a patently false statement if all you have for "proof" is the statement of an inexpert witness. Show me a coroner's report. Oh, right, "they" don't want you to know... "They" may not, but the fact that a CO poisoning ruling might be bad for business isn't proof that that's what it was, either.
People are too quick to label those that disagree with them or present differences in view points as trolls. There are people in this world who don't follow the herd, aren't scared to state and stand by an unpopular opinion, or see issues from a more sophisticated or very different perspective, this doesn't make them trolls. This country was founded on individualist not the sheeples that are too prevelant now.

It my understanding that the founding fathers had a reason to do what they did and weren't just being auto defiant. Don't denigrate them with some johnny come lately history edit. Maybe trolling is some folks recreation, who knows, we seem to have a few around here.
Here are a few of the CO symptoms versus concentration and exposure time.

Your mention about exposure time is (IMHO) the most critical factor in CO poisoning.

Many divers don't understand how your blood hemoglobin(HG) works. I won't get into a big detailed discussion about hemoglobin but over-simplified your HG cells have 4 attachment points. If one or two of the attachment points is made up of non O2 molecules, the HG changes shape to not accept more O2 molecules. Kinda like it's off limits to it. And as you go deeper on your dive, more HG's are just sucking up bad molecule after bad molecule. You only have a limited supply of HG, and every one that get's changed won't accept an O2 molecule. And to make it worse, the poisoned HG won't easily release the CO molecule for hours.

Once poisoning starts, it's not a straight line gradual deterioration. It's an exponential cliff falling faster and faster towards death with time and every extra minute is worse than the one before. That's why you need to get out of the deep as soon as you can because the problem gets really bad, really fast even at very low levels of CO ppm.
Therefore, I have developed a rat turd detector which I can sell to you at the low low price of only $499 plus shipping and handling. You stick the detector in front of the tank valve, crank the air on full, and only 40 minutes later it will indicate whether or not there are rat turds in the tank..
Will you calibrate each detector using "medcal grade rat turds"- available right next to your "cylinder of medical grade CO" and jalepeno compressor oil. Or, will you be calibrating with your proven "taste buds" method?
Will you calibrate each detector using "medcal grade rat turds"- available right next to your "cylinder of medical grade CO" and jalepeno compressor oil. Or, will you be calibrating with your proven "taste buds" method?
No way. Everyone knows that rat turds are odorless and tasteless. If you don't believe me, just try one.

We actually use an actual rat for calibration. Either you bring your own in a pet carrier on the plane, or you can rent them on the island.
Once poisoning starts, it's not a straight line gradual deterioration. It's an exponential cliff falling faster and faster towards death with time and every extra minute is worse than the one before. That's why you need to get out of the deep as soon as you can because the problem gets really bad, really fast even at very low levels of CO ppm.

I am not well versed in CO poisoning so I do not know if your "exponential" comment is valid. I do know that it appears to take much higher CO concentrations for some period of time before we get to a fatality situation. Just an example. If 1000 PPM CO results in loss of consciousness (LOC) after one hour then I want to stay far away from that threshold. If 40 PPM CO results in a slight headache after two hours, I could tolerate getting closer to that threshold but would still prefer to not be close to it either....although I could be closer to it than the LOC event.
I just read that post as well. I have eliminated Mexico as a vacation destination. I tired of reading all the stupid **** that goes on there.

I was just reading this thread.....seems the OP has fairly strong evidence that his spouse was a victim of CO poisoning.

I've just ordered a CO analyzer. I'm willing to risk my life playing the odds that CO contamination won't get me, but not the lives of my family members who dive with me.
I just read that post as well. I have eliminated Mexico as a vacation destination. I tired of reading all the stupid **** that goes on there.
My approach is to check every tank, everywhere Mexico, New Mexico, etc. Go where you want to and protect yourself.

Speaking of trolling.... :D
Oh, that's allowed on this forum, it seems.

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