Use your CO analyzers

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By US standards, so what's your point? Some divers won't dive more than 3, and the fill station is negligent when they allow any.

Nobody I can find publishes a zero CO standard.  Even IANTD allows 2, so I believe your "negligent if they allow any" statement is without merit.  PADI, does a pretty good job of protecting there piggy bank and I really doubt that PADI is publishing a Grade E / 10 ppm standard in their retailers agreement if it were unsafe for recreational diving.
Don, these threads on CO are full of fear fongering and assertions with no factual backup.

From missing divers may have been impacted by CO to a cave diver is who pronounced dead due to CO with no proof to when you get 4 PPM CO the tank could have all sort of contaminants, there is little substantive discussion.

This topic is quickly approaching the validity of man-caused global warming and eating eggs will kill you.
There are plenty facts. You seem more interested in ignoring them - your call. Stop adding to the confusion.

People are too quick to label those that disagree with them or present differences in view points as trolls. There are people in this world who don't follow the herd, aren't scared to state and stand by an unpopular opinion, or see issues from a more sophisticated or very different perspective, this doesn't make them trolls. This country was founded on individualist not the sheeples that are too prevelant now.
And there are trolls who submit nothing to a discussion other than to derail it.
Gents...there are plenty of threads that have already hashed these things to death.

The intent of this thread was a reminder and/or warning to others here in Cozumel who may be interested. If you find no use for it, move along.

For those still interested in the original intent of the thread, we tested approximately 21 tanks today the highest CO reading found was 2ppm with most reading 0ppm (as checked with two different analox portable/handheld analyzers- mine and ktomlinson's)
Just some info from my op:

"I went to Meridiano and picked up my tanks. I tested each and every one of them and they didn`t have a single particle of CO. They were filled Feb. 21st.
You can post on ScubaBoard and quote me if you like. When I went to pick up my nitrox tanks both the plant manager and the floor supervisor (names Helman and René) were inspecting and checking the nitrox fill system together. I stood there and watched them do it. I assume that it is due to the postings on ScubaBoard. So if there were problems with the nitrox this week I am sure they will be resolved before tomorrow."
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Just some info from my op:

"I went to Meridiano and picked up my tanks. I tested each and every one of them and they didn`t have a single particle of CO2. They were filled Feb. 21st.
You can post on ScubaBoard and quote me if you like. When I went to pick up my nitrox tanks both the plant manager and the floor supervisor (names Helman and René) were inspecting and checking the nitrox fill system together. I stood there and watched them do it. I assume that it is due to the postings on ScubaBoard. So if there were problems with the nitrox this week I am sure they will be resolved before tomorrow."
Again with the common typo that can cause confusion: CO2 is not much of a risk.

Glad to hear they are reacting to criticisms tho. Shaming seems to work better than begging.
And there are trolls who submit nothing to a discussion other than to derail it.
Seems to me that because of my input, this thread became more than just a CO analyzing cheer group and actually turned into a healthy debate over the merits of CO testing. Obviously that doesn't fit your personal agenda, but so be it.

Obviously anyone who is not a cheerleader must be a troll in your book. Those who point out that rumors aren't truth, that statistics should outweigh anecdotal "evidence", that fear mongering maybe isn't warranted for every infinitesimal risk under the sun, yep, all trolls in your book.

You know what, just for you, I'll sell you two bridges. Seriously, two for the price of one.

Have you heard the latest about rat turds being found in Cozumel tanks. Seems supposedly, according to a rumor I heard from someone who knew someone, that someone actually died from inhaling rat turds during a dive at Palancar Bricks at exactly 76 FSW, exactly 36 minutes into her dive (I tell you these facts so you know it must be true). Therefore, I have developed a rat turd detector which I can sell to you at the low low price of only $499 plus shipping and handling. You stick the detector in front of the tank valve, crank the air on full, and only 40 minutes later it will indicate whether or not there are rat turds in the tank. How can you possibly pass on that deal? In fact, I will sell you both a travel unit and a home unit for only $799 for the two of them. Get in on this deal quick before HSN buys out my stock and doubles the price! Hey, there's even a built in cigarette lighter for those not opposed to a little CO inhalation before and after the dives.
So what do I do? Switch dive ops, shell out the money and hassle for my own analyzer, or just dive the damn tanks and hope for the best? Well, being an optimistic sort of guy, I've lately opted for the latter.

Please, keep it up.
Seems to me that because of my input, this thread became more than just a CO analyzing cheer group and actually turned into a healthy debate over the merits of CO testing. Obviously that doesn't fit your personal agenda, but so be it.

Obviously anyone who is not a cheerleader must be a troll in your book. Those who point out that rumors aren't truth, that statistics should outweigh anecdotal "evidence", that fear mongering maybe isn't warranted for every infinitesimal risk under the sun, yep, all trolls in your book.

You know what, just for you, I'll sell you two bridges. Seriously, two for the price of one.

Have you heard the latest about rat turds being found in Cozumel tanks. Seems supposedly, according to a rumor I heard from someone who knew someone, that someone actually died from inhaling rat turds during a dive at Palancar Bricks at exactly 76 FSW, exactly 36 minutes into her dive (I tell you these facts so you know it must be true). Therefore, I have developed a rat turd detector which I can sell to you at the low low price of only $499 plus shipping and handling. You stick the detector in front of the tank valve, crank the air on full, and only 40 minutes later it will indicate whether or not there are rat turds in the tank. How can you possibly pass on that deal? In fact, I will sell you both a travel unit and a home unit for only $799 for the two of them. Get in on this deal quick before HSN buys out my stock and doubles the price! Hey, there's even a built in cigarette lighter for those not opposed to a little CO inhalation before and after the dives.

And Ron Lee thinks he's clever and a wordsmith.:headscratch::fail::rofl3:

---------- Post added March 8th, 2013 at 03:05 AM ----------

In all seriousness, (yes, I'm well aware of the grammatical errors of this and my previous post, but don't care), I've appreciated the healthy debate. I'd like to sincerely thank the participants.
mossman, as ever you are a treat.
Seriously, DD, when you start packing your own parachute on the flight over, then I'll start analyzing my tanks for CO.

You mean there are people who don't do that? LOL

Actually, Gregg, I do recall reading about several confirmed CO deaths over the last few years. I agree with you that the risk is statistically very small but it's also something that individual divers can eliminate entirely if they wish to.

So while I personally won't be travelling with a CO meter I'll be the last one to ridicule people for doing so.


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