Work right now? Probably not. As Ford, VW, Rivian,Tesla and others move forward with competitively priced trucks we will see affordable models in the “low range” versions. Low range equals less expensive, less weight and faster charging. Bonaire doesn’t need 400 mile range.
As for batteries, nobody is putting “old” vehicle batteries in the dump. They are far too valuable and sought after. 10 year old Prius batteries no longer functional for vehicle use are in demand for photovoltaic systems where they can function for many years.
My intention with posting was about not seeing the forest for the trees. I’m sure we all want to see the oceans healthy for ourselves and future generations. Every liter of gas and diesel burned is hurting our planet, that’s a fact. I’m just advocating for burning fewer liters.
Last year I replaced an '04 Nissan Frontier. Never considered a full sized PU. Just don't need to haul that much metal around on every trip I make.
At a certain point reality meets the plan and reality always wins. As has been pointed out EV's as rentals are unworkable on Bonaire. Your dream solar powered EV's is sunshine and lolly pops.
Sorry, but solar cars will always remain a romantic sci-fi fantasy | WIRED UK
Wish all the best for the Ultimate Dive Truck and am pretty sure that they will find that niche market.