One thing, being an RV owner, I would consider a periodic cleaning of the fresh water tank (depending on use, higher use requies less required cleaning due to fresh water turnover). Once you get growth (alge, bacteria ...) it is harder to deal with. I assume it is just a plastic tank? Treat it like a RV system and a dose of Clorox, 1/4 cup for 15 gal of water, diluted in a gal of water before you add will do the trick. You don't have to go full blown sanitize so just an hour or so would be more than enough. Flush a few times to get residual clorine out.
Having water sit in tank for a long time will grow all sorts of stuff.
If metal tank, suggest you look into what could be used.
Having water sit in tank for a long time will grow all sorts of stuff.
If metal tank, suggest you look into what could be used.