TSA, the Fun Never Ends..

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How is a kippah different from a yamaka?

Are you Hassidic? Who wears those? Do orthodox women cover their hair? I know they do in temple...

Kippah is the Hebrew term, Yarmulke is Yiddish.

No, I am not Hassidic, merely a Jewish American who follows the precepts of Modern Orthodox Judaism to the best of his ability. Although it is a woman's individual choice, many do cover their hair when they marry. And many who do not cover their hair normally, do so when they enter the synagogue.

FWIW, there is only one Temple; it is is Jerusalem, the Holy City.
Oh. Thanks..I am continually learning and am curious about this. My children's father is a Conservative Jew, unless his marriage in the reform temple disqualified him.

Thanks for the explanation. I had never heard that about the temple vs synagogue term. We are allowed to talk about religion here, and it's a good topic because lots of people want to understand more of the details.

Oh, Miss, that's funny. I wondered on this last trip about the layers you have to peel off because I had on a very thin jacket and they asked me to remove it.

Good thing you were not wearing a dickey! (remember those, little fake turtlenecks? lol)

The notion that profiling would force changes by the recruitment of other "types" and would make infiltrating easier for intelligence is a pretty interesting notion. Bill, you come up with some fresh stuff.
FWIW, there is only one Temple; it is is Jerusalem, the Holy City.

That is one magical place. I hope to return one day.
I went on a cruise to Belize and checked my dive gear with my luggage in Miami. No problem. Ship gets to Belize and since it does not dock, the dive boat comes right to the ship. All divers get from the ship right on the dive boat and go straight to the dive site. Great dive then straight back to the ship. As we board the ship off of the dive boat, we are greeted by the xray machine etc. Push wet dive bag through the scanner and all of a sudden the woman yells to the top of her lungs, " We have a knife"!! Well a bunch of security people crowd up arround me and say, "Open the bag Mr." In a very ugly tone of voice. What do I have? a blunt end 3" dive knife in a holder on my air hose. They said I could not get back on the ship with the knife. So my only choice was to be left in Belize in my bathing suit or give the dive knife to the captian of the dive boat. I told them they were a bunch of idiots and that as soon as I got to my room, I was ordering a big steak from room service and that on that tray would be a steak knife that most likely was sharper and longer than my dive knife. I told them that just to make things even. I planned on stealing their knife!! ha ha. What silly BS!
doing their best in a difficult job

NO. THAT is not a "difficult" job. Physically or otherwise. THAT is an easy job.

I just think they should be nice.
I just think they should be nice.

Having had this wonderful experience lately with the TSA, my former opinion -lots of show for little benefit- has been downgraded quite a bit.

I would gladly put up with the hassle(s) if it really did something.

All the best, James
I just think they should be nice.
They SHOULD be nice, but how nice would you be if everyone who walked up to you all day long was griping about having to take their shoes off, or calling for your supervisor constantly, or whatever. It's far worse than working the customer service counter at Sears. If people in general were nicer to them, maybe the same would come back...I would guess that any one can relate a story of seeing someone while in line having some form of freak out or another on these people who are merely trying to do their job. Instead for those who complain about these people... Why not step back, and take a look at it from their perspective. Constant complainers, whiners, groaners, the constant "could you hurry this up please I don't want to miss my flight" - I bet it gets old really quickly.

I would gladly put up with the hassle(s) if it really did something.
Again... is this to say that secuirty was BETTER before the TSA? I'm just curious if anyone thinks it was?

I'll also re-state for the record, that I don't believe the TSA is doing the BEST job. But given their circumstances, how or what could they really do better? Would the general public approve a TAX INCREASE to better fund this agency? :rofl3:

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