Trust is an interesting word, and Johnny has brought a up a good point. I often make dives that I am the "follower". That is I'm diving with a more experienced diver or more knowledgable about the area we're going to. I haven't lost any of my skills, especially my brain. I will rely on my buddy's experience though. There have been dives where I'm leading, in which case the other divers are relying on me, in a sense, but I don't think these were "trust me" dives.
If you start a cave dive with the idea that the other diver(s) is there to hold your hand through the dive you shouldn't be there, at all, why are you cave diving at all.
The term "trust me" dive seems to show up more in an OW dive scenario where the group of divers is blindly following a guide to parts unknown, my all time favorite is when a Cozumel DM runs a group through "Devil's throat", now there's a "trust me" dive. It gets even better when a couple of the divers have less than 10 dives under their belt.
A far as trust me dives in a cave go the best way to differentiate between a "trust me" or "blind trust me" or "dbl. blind trust me 1/2 way" is what's in your head. Using your brain is hard thing to teach and the lessons sometimes come with a price, nonetheless, regardless how we lable them, dives made with trepidation or extreme doubt, lack of understanding about the dive plan, or just plain nervousness probably should be thumbed before getting wet.
If you start a cave dive with the idea that the other diver(s) is there to hold your hand through the dive you shouldn't be there, at all, why are you cave diving at all.
The term "trust me" dive seems to show up more in an OW dive scenario where the group of divers is blindly following a guide to parts unknown, my all time favorite is when a Cozumel DM runs a group through "Devil's throat", now there's a "trust me" dive. It gets even better when a couple of the divers have less than 10 dives under their belt.
A far as trust me dives in a cave go the best way to differentiate between a "trust me" or "blind trust me" or "dbl. blind trust me 1/2 way" is what's in your head. Using your brain is hard thing to teach and the lessons sometimes come with a price, nonetheless, regardless how we lable them, dives made with trepidation or extreme doubt, lack of understanding about the dive plan, or just plain nervousness probably should be thumbed before getting wet.