I have also looked for ground based Radar imagery and do not think there is any decent coverage available . Perhaps someone with more knowledge on the subject could correct me if I am wrong. I found this site @ Radars - Tropical AtlanticWhen I was in Coz in August, I could never see the clouds on radar on my app or another app which is radar only. Is there an app or service that shows active radar? You know, one that tracks the clouds and shows the green/yellow/red intensities?
which shows minimal actual radar coverage in the Cozumel / Cancun area.
The coverage on this map shows Cozumel / Cancun area coverage is in the outer range of a site in Belize and I would not think the accuracy would be very good at that range. The Belize site can be found at Radar Images - National Meteorological Service of Belize
Here is a comparison of the current Intellicast Caribbean satellite image and the Belize radar 400 Km image.
Intellicast Satellite: