Hey Catherine...I forgot...There are lots of small shops in the Marais, in Paris...it is the gay quarter so you may need to hold on tight to jb
...I spent the better part of 4 hrs walking around...the champs ellyce, louvre, marais, beauburg, notre dame etc...I had a "local guide" though so...I don´t know how religious you are but regardless there are lots of beautiful churches....
I found Paris pretty reasonable pricewise but I guess it depends where you´re coming from...
I really would recommend you to learn a few phrases, at least how to ask someone if they speak english (in french)...If you speak spanish, that is pretty similar to french and would propably work pretty well...My limited experience is that everyone speaks english...after you´ve made an effort to speak french...

I found Paris pretty reasonable pricewise but I guess it depends where you´re coming from...
I really would recommend you to learn a few phrases, at least how to ask someone if they speak english (in french)...If you speak spanish, that is pretty similar to french and would propably work pretty well...My limited experience is that everyone speaks english...after you´ve made an effort to speak french...