Looking for advice for intro to cave/cave 1 equivalent

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The desire for Europeans or really anyone to visit FL for cave training in the foreseeable future is already low and declining. Brenda in France gets the OP moving towards their goals much closer to home and with far less uncertainty about everything from airline travel safety, to visas, to gunfire at Ginnie.
The desire for Europeans or really anyone to visit FL for cave training in the foreseeable future is already low and declining. Brenda in France gets the OP moving towards their goals much closer to home and with far less uncertainty about everything from airline travel safety, to visas, to gunfire at Ginnie.
You do you. There has only been gunfire at Ginnie once, that I know of. No cavers were threatened. I certainly don't feel threatened when I go to dive there. The caves here are quite challenging in regard to flow. If you can dive here, you can dive pretty much anywhere. However, travel can be intimidating for many. I find it fun. But like I said: you do you. No judging here.
This is very accurate and one of the things I ask the students to question their instructor on. A good instructor can usually find a buddy or experienced diver to join the team. Obviously that's not always the case, but the good instructors will bust their butt to find a buddy as opposed to doing 1:1.

I refer to the Insta instructors as the Kave Kardashians. They always want to be seen and are always full of drama.
I had a falling out with a friend who trained 1:1 with the most Instafamous & Instaactive Kave Kardashian (love that) shop in Mexico - he just couldn't comprehend that teammates at Cave 1 / Intro to cave level could make mistakes and that you simply need to adapt and help, outside of pre-defined scenarios.

I also dived with another friend who trained with a lifestyle cave instructor in Mexico, 1:1 - and when confronted with cold water, UK mine diving, effectively treated me as a guide, just because I had 15 more cave dives. So I really appreciate other agencies that prohibit teaching 1:1.
I hear what you are all saying and for sure won't ignore it, Brenda has already told stories of her own students making **** ups and screwing with them (as cave instructors love to do).

I intend to do as much prework as I can, Brenda also will dive with us and teach us things like linework before anything, so lots of training will be done before France.

I also understand getting your training somewhere else where it's some of the hardest conditions means diving in places like France will be easier, however that just isn't in the cards.
to gunfire at Ginnie.
Don't forget the stabbings
You do you. There has only been gunfire at Ginnie once, that I know of. No cavers were threatened. I certainly don't feel threatened when I go to dive there.
There have been more than that. There were two shootings in one weekend towards the end of last year.
I agree that cavers haven't been threatened and I don't feel unsafe at Ginnie.
But we have to see it from the perspective of non-americans I think is rjack's point. Firstly, without getting political, our country is not currently the friendliest for foreigners, esp those coming from more liberal countries who are terrified of what they're seeing on the news about America. Secondly, think of all the untrue bs we heard for years about cave diving in mexico with break-ins, robberies, and other issues that were very overblown. Unfortunately that is what's happening with Florida currently. I know quite a few European cave divers who think N.Fl is nothing but dirtballs, meth heads, and there's a good chance they're going to have issues. Very much like we heard for years about mexico and what deterred many people from heading there. We know that for both Mexico and Fl there is some truth behind the rumors, but its mostly inflated. I don't feel unsafe either place. But contrast it to diving in France where the most you have to worry about is pissing off a local farmer by parking in the wrong spot, and it can make Fl look like a scary place to Euros.
I hear what you are all saying and for sure won't ignore it, Brenda has already told stories of her own students making **** ups and screwing with them (as cave instructors love to do).

I intend to do as much prework as I can, Brenda also will dive with us and teach us things like linework before anything, so lots of training will be done before France.

I also understand getting your training somewhere else where it's some of the hardest conditions means diving in places like France will be easier, however that just isn't in the cards.
If I were in the Netherlands I'd be training in France as well, just not zero to hero. I don't know anything of Brenda, so can't comment. Sounds like you will get mentorship on top fo training. Just remember cave instructors can sound amazing, but not be. One of my first cave instructors in my eyes was amazing.......until I got training with someone else and realized what I missed. My only point is zero to hero is less than ideal and cost should not be a factor in that decision, and an instructor willing to do zero to hero should really be interviewed heavily before being chosen because it can be a red flag in many cases.
Harald is a cave diver from the Netherlands who moved to France to start a diving bed and breakfast. He's a great guy and a wealth of knowledge.
Brenda has already told stories of her own students making **** ups and screwing with them (as cave instructors love to do).
Yes, she does. 😅
When she suddenly takes a different route/line on the way out, you will remember this post again....

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