Thoughts on this "entry level" set-up? (I await your slings and arrows!)

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Looks good except slow down and think where you are going to want to go with your diving in the next year, 3 years, etc...
I first started out with a console, later put it all on the air integration either. Just an SPG....Very simple.
I also went with an Air2 instead of an Octo, great idea but not really practical...
The BC is fine and yes, I bought a Trans Pac then a BP/W...
What I try and tell new divers is slow down...think...and try not to have to RE-BUY your gear again because your skills/wants/advancements are going to change. Buy the best you can afford and that you can grow into and will grow with you as a diver.
Just my 2PSI...
I am sure the regs are fine. Atomic is not known for making crap....I don't think! :D

I would think about a BP/W with a single tank wing and hog harness.

Computers-I have a Oceanic Datamax Pro Plus. It is a great computer that I really, really, really wish was a wrist mounted one. I am considering getting a wrist mounted computer and keeping the Datamax vs getting an air integrated wrist computer and a spg as a back up pressure gauge (so I am not dependent on batteries to tell me how much air I have.

Also-quick release is nice. It lets me keep my computer in my home office, where it itsalways warm, safe, and dry. I can also carry it on airplanes and pack the regs in my checked bags. BUT-it can let you lose or forget your computer more easily. Maybe spend the money on a wrist mount in the first place if you are willing to spend that kind of money.

You would be really streamlined-Single tank BP/W, octo on your wing inflator, and a wrist computer. SWEET!
You seem to have a good idea of what you want, but almost all divers will tell you that their idea about what style of BC was best for them changed after some experience. So, I'd consider waiting on the BC or at least getting something that has decent resale value when you get the inevitable itch to try something different. You'll love the reg, of course just about any decent reg does well these days in normal conditions. The comments about the wrist computer are worth thinking about; for most divers it's much more convenient to have depth/dive time/ascent rate right there on the wrist. If you really want AI, think about the wireless ones and get a back up SPG. But, lots of divers are okay with a console, and it's a good idea to be checking your air all the time when you're a brand new diver.

Have fun!
I like the reg, I've never dove or met anyone with a Seaquest BCD so can't comment there. Does your local shop do repairs on Seaquest?

I recommend you get a wrist computer. When I first started I wanted a console computer BAD, but my friend was selling his wrist computer so I bought it anyways. I'm so glad I did; reaching for the SPG/Console is a PITA sometimes and with the watch you can easily check it without reaching for anything. Almost everyone I see diving, especially instructors and experienced divers all have watches and swear by them.

I recently found a thread on here that said "What scuba gear do you regret buying?" A handful of people stated they regret buying a console computer instead of a wrist computer.

I second that go with the wrist mount computer or at least a console computer that you can take out of the console and put in a wrist boot.
Regarding your comment about looking at the SPG anyways; I am always looking at my watch for bottom time info and depth info, but I only look at my SPG every 5-10 minutes until I get to about 1200 psi then I look at it more frequently. Also, with just an spg the console is light where as with a console, depth guage, and/or compass put in it starts getting heavy, and I always see divers with large consoles diving with it dangling awkwardly from the clip or completely out of the clip because the weight of it makes it pop out.

With the wrist mount you can swim, ascend, descend all comfortably while looking at your wrist, it's more awkward with the console, plus if you see something you need to pick up (trash), or need to grab your buddy's attention you don't have to put the console back in the clip or anything.

I will eventually upgrade to an AI watch, but will always keep the spg there for backups.
100% computer goes on the wrist...
Just a couple of comments . . . be aware that the inflator hose connector used by Seaquest is proprietary, and therefore you will not necessarily be able to use your reg with other BCs, for example if you wanted to travel and not take all of your gear with you, or if you forget your BC and try to borrow one from somebody else.

Second, if you really want to use the integrated air source as your secondary, be aware that trying to share air on a 24" primary regulator hose is quite awkward. That's why standard octopus hoses are longer -- usually 36" or 40". Sharing air on a 24" hose puts you literally eye to eye with your buddy (BTDT!) In addition, again, setting your regulator up this way makes it difficult to borrow or rent gear, because you have to have the integrated air source to have a secondary. In other words, if you get intrigued with the BP/W and want to try it, you have to borrow a reg with it -- been there and did that, too :)
I use an air integrated console computer (smartcom). It does everything thing I need and more but with the way I swim in the water it would be a lot easier to just have a wrist mount. All the stuff you are looking at, wouldn't be my first choice but nothing wrong with it at all if it fits and you can get it services locally.
Your choices looks good and you may end up being happy with it. But, I second the suggestion about waiting to buy after you've tried out several pieces of equipment. In my opinion, the most expensive equipment is the one you buy but find out later on that it does not suit your style of diving.

As for the comp, I also suggest wrist mount. Console mounted comps can get banged up in the boat quiet a bit, especially if you're in a crowded boat. Anyway, go diving and enjoy. And get those rewards credit card for your gear purchases from now on coz you'll be buying lots of stuff :D
Hey RJP, have fun with your toys!

If you do go with the console, I'd have to agree with Damselfish on looking into getting an analog instead of digital. Reason being is that if the digital console is in an environment where it will be exposed to the sun or heat repeatedly, the display will fade (it's happening to my watch already). Going with analog you won't have this problem and it will last a long time.

But you're from New Jersey so you won't have a sun problem with all that smog. :) (Jokes)

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