The Right Brand of Equipment

Best Brands (in Terms of Quality)

  • Mares

    Votes: 9 16.4%
  • SeaQuest

    Votes: 9 16.4%
  • Poseidon

    Votes: 4 7.3%
  • Tusa

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ScubaPro

    Votes: 13 23.6%
  • Dacor

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Others

    Votes: 18 32.7%

  • Total voters

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Regs: Apeks TX100 and TX50
Computer: Suunto Vyper
SPG: Uwatec brass
Fins: Jet Fins. Tried turtles, too floppy and too big
Drysuit: DUI TLS350
Undersuit: Bare CT200
Backplate: Fred-T
Wing: Oxycheq
Mask: Mares X-Vision
Knife: Victorinox "Dalton Knife"
Tanks: PST

I've had absolutely zero problems with any of the above equipment, so from a quality perspective, no issues. The whole rig has been bulletproof.
After using rentals (and not caring) for a while, I'm about to purchase my own gear of BC, Reg, Mask, and Fins. I'm confused by the multitude of brands out there. Can anyone kinda explain the quality by comparing it to car brands (e.g. which is a Honda vs. Kia vs. BMW)? I figured this will be easier for my simple brain to understand!

No way to reply by naming a single brand for all gear. From my own experience / prejudices:

Regs: Apeks, Poseidon, Scubapro (not ideal for very cold diving)

BCDs: Scubapro, Mares, or BP/wing

Fins: Cressi

Masks: Cressi, Mares, Tusa

Wet suits: many, better custom-fitted

Dry suits: I love my Foka (Italian copy of DUI at half the price)

Computers: Uwatec, Suunto
Hi heres what I dive with, and as yet have had no problems with any of it.

Mares Proton XL & Proton Octopus Regs

Sea Quest Diva LX BCD

Mares Volo Power Fins

Tusa Viewtrek Mask

Tusa Snorkal

Mares 5mm long, 5mm shortie & 3mm Tropical shortie.

O'Three dry suit

Suunto Mosquito Computer

Mares gloves & booties.
For the regs, I thing I'm down to either a Mares or Poseidon. Any ideas? The LDS (who carries Mares) told me that while Poseidon is good, it doesn't work well in shallow water? True? My diving will mostly be confined to tropics, but I don't mind getting one that will work in cold I'll don't want to have to buy another one if my diving changes.
What I don't like about Poseidons is that they are like a light switch. They'll flow enough air to blow your tongue out the back of your neck, but they're either "on" or "off", and my experience with them is the cracking effort is not as "smooth" as a traditional diaphragm... takes a bit of a tug, then it's open. Shuts off just as abruptly. To me, it was unsettling.
After using rentals (and not caring) for a while, I'm about to purchase my own gear of BC, Reg, Mask, and Fins. I'm confused by the multitude of brands out there. Can anyone kinda explain the quality by comparing it to car brands (e.g. which is a Honda vs. Kia vs. BMW)? I figured this will be easier for my simple brain to understand!

Sorry, but this poll seems a little flawed to me. First, the question is best "brands", which would seem to suggest that more than one choice is possible, but that is not the case in the poll format.

Also, the question seems rather over simplistic, since a good maker for one item may not be considered the most advantageous for others.

Anyway, I'm sure your post will in the end provide you with some of the advice you are seeking regarding the brands listed...

Well, given this, I would have to recommend gear that is repairable where you a going to spend most of you time. Myself, I use a Zeagle DSV with a ZX second stage. Breathes great in all positions and works great in cold water just in case you get in some.

Never paid attention to rented equipment. All the dives that I've done were in Southeast Asia, and Mares seem to be popular there. I'd probably do close to 85% (things could change) of my dives there, and I would be doing photography. Almost all the brands have multiple items to compete with other companies.
Hello Jagfish! Initially I was hoping that I'd get something like this...BRAND X = KIA and BRAND Y = BMW. But I guess the thread started drifting. I have limited funds, but was hoping to know what is the best brand if money is no object.

Sorry, but this poll seems a little flawed to me. First, the question is best "brands", which would seem to suggest that more than one choice is possible, but that is not the case in the poll format.

Also, the question seems rather over simplistic, since a good maker for one item may not be considered the most advantageous for others.

Anyway, I'm sure your post will in the end provide you with some of the advice you are seeking regarding the brands listed...

Hello Jagfish! Initially I was hoping that I'd get something like this...BRAND X = KIA and BRAND Y = BMW. But I guess the thread started drifting. I have limited funds, but was hoping to know what is the best brand if money is no object.


Spend about $150 on a good mask, snorkle, booties and fins as a starter set.... then you can rent the other gear until you have done more research, talked and dived with other divers to see what they are using.... and how they like their gear.

Don't rush into buying before you have educated yourself. Do some searches here on SB. There is a WEALTH of information.... and its all free. There are also many posts where people write about how they jumped at buying gear.... and then learned, the expensive way, by not buying the RIGHT gear for their type of diving and then replaced pieces prematurely.
It appears that you are looking for some general answers prior to asking for some more specific ideas. In general, most everything made by the major manufacturers is of good quality and will be reliable gear provided it is used within the diving enviroment it is designed for, and if it is properly cared for. Also, every choice you will be required to make as to a specific piece of gear will carry some sort of compromise when compared to another brand or even another model from the same line. Advice from your LDS may or may not be sound and you need to weed out the bad info from them as well. The availability of dive gear from deep discount online sources will influence your choices as well. A lot of LDS's in my area don't vend (and therefore recommend) Mares. This isn't really due to any lack of quality but rather because Mares allows far more "official" access to their gear over the internet. This impacts profit margins for the LDS's and some won't carry the brand for that reason. When it comes to the major brands, some people will rave about the gear and others will tell you it's garbage. From my experience, without being brand specific, I've used "cheap" stuff and "premium" gear and it all worked acceptably when used as intended. Also, some lines tend to be sold as a more exclusive brand within the dive community, just like you won't see "Ford" and Chevy" in the asame dealership. This is due to reasons such as agreements between a LDS and equipment distributor and also due to the inability of most shops to stock two competing major brands because of inventory cost requirements. Without much in the way of recommendations either for or against, here is a list of some major brands (in no particular order) and some info (per my memory only) for each company. Apologies to all if I miss a brand or misinform in some other way:
Mares-Italian company. Part of a larger sporting goods manufacturer that also makes "Head" and "Tyrolia" brands (skis, tennis rackets, etc). Mares also now owns the Dacor brand.
ScubaPro-part of Johnson Outdoors, in turn part of Johnson floor wax. Large sporting good base, including lines like Minnkota trolling motors. Officially, ScubaPro does not allow internet sales and also their prices tend to be somewhat controlled by their dealers. Also, distributes Uwetec dive computers in the US.
AquaLung-French company, I believe in turn part of AirLiquide (pressure cylinders and gas sales). Rather than a single brand, Aqualung, in the US, exclusively reps and distributes: Apeks (British manufacturer, mostly regs), Suunto (Finnish company, gages and computers) SeaQuest (regs, bc's, etc.) as well as the AquaLung line. Does't allow internet sales in the US. I've never seen AquaLung stuff next to ScubaPro's.

There are also some quality lines that don't appear to be as well represented in the market, partly because they are not represented by the previous large concerns. Partial list, all good stuff, would be: Poseidon (rep'd in the US by Trellborg/Viking which is a Scandinavian co. as is Poseidon), Halcyon (US co. in Florida), Zeagle (US co. in Florida), Oceanic (I think a US company, vast array of gear avail.), Atomic, Tusa (Japanese company?) Genesis, DiveRite, & OMS. Tons I forget at the moment but in general the gear from any of these comanies will work fine. It may be more important to you that the gear can be serviced locally so take that into consideration as well. If you start to do specific searches on this board for brands and models you'll have a weeks worth of reading.

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