I'm to lazy to remove it... If I do dive solo now.... It's on my own boat in a ice cold lake with not a diver within 200 miles... That really means I'm solo.. I'll dive my doubles with the aqua-master and the pony with the 109 on it, Or just put the double hose on the bc and dive without the inflator...
I'm one that likes the octo easy to grab by a OOA diver... I train with my wife for her to go right to the octo and start breathing... We don't swim right next to each other and I don't baby sit her... So it makes sense to just go right to the air source... I try to put some training into every dive , On the fly.. As I will just swim up to her and hand her my regulator to buddy breathe... Or push her purge button to act like a free flow.... I like to think she's pretty squared away...
I'm one that likes the octo easy to grab by a OOA diver... I train with my wife for her to go right to the octo and start breathing... We don't swim right next to each other and I don't baby sit her... So it makes sense to just go right to the air source... I try to put some training into every dive , On the fly.. As I will just swim up to her and hand her my regulator to buddy breathe... Or push her purge button to act like a free flow.... I like to think she's pretty squared away...