The Morrison Spring Cavern Project

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Thanks Johnny, that will be great!! We would be glad to have you along...although you can't drink on this job!:D

I am going to send Shane a copy of the pictures...let him know to keep an eye out for them. Thought he might want to see the cavern lit up a little bit...I would really like to light up the first part of the Vortex cavern sometime for a picture....but, there was to many classes silting that portion of the cavern up yesterday.

I have two hid's (10w).... May not be able to dive this project, depending on the day it is held.... day job thing going on. but my lights are in. Me too if possible
That is great Stasia...that brings us to about 5 can lights. I really think one of the dives we should just use as many lights and divers as we safely can for a few shots. Other shots we can paint the cavern and be more selective...but one dive I think we should just flood the cavern for some mega shots....should be fun.

I have a 10 w, and Mos11b has a 15 w that is very bright.
Thanks Johnny, that will be great!! We would be glad to have you along...although you can't drink on this job!:D

No, but there SHOULD be an after party for this thing.

I am going to send Shane a copy of the pictures...let him know to keep an eye out for them. Thought he might want to see the cavern lit up a little bit...I would really like to light up the first part of the Vortex cavern sometime for a picture....but, there was to many classes silting that portion of the cavern up yesterday

THAT one would have to be during the week.
That is great Stasia...that brings us to about 5 can lights. I really think one of the dives we should just use as many lights and divers as we safely can for a few shots. Other shots we can paint the cavern and be more selective...but one dive I think we should just flood the cavern for some mega shots....should be fun.

Keep in mind that with strategic placement, you don't need a diver for each light. You can place several lights up with one diver. This would minimize divers eco effects while increasing the safety factor.
Yes I assume that each diver can handle at least two lights. We each used two yesterday with no problems. Can lights might even make things a little easier.

Keep in mind that with strategic placement, you don't need a diver for each light. You can place several lights up with one diver. This would minimize divers eco effects while increasing the safety factor.
Yes, I hadn't thought about that. I think we might have to organize something right there at the park on that day. Maybe some of the folks that want to help, but can't dive the cavern, can help with some BBQ. I am all about some binge eating!:D

No, but there SHOULD be an after party for this thing.
Yes, I hadn't thought about that. I think we might have to organize something right there at the park on that day. Maybe some of the folks that want to help, but can't dive the cavern, can help with some BBQ. I am all about some binge eating!:D

well if it's on a Saturday, SOMEBODY better bring me a plate,or 2or 3...:eat:
Before this dive I set the zoom and focus and did not touch them after placing the camera in the housing. The E-330 can change zoom in the housing but not manual focus. If the cavern is light enough I can use auto focus to help sharpness. If the cavern is dim it just hunts. I can lock focus outside the cavern on something at about the distance we want. We would need to figure out the dimensions of the cavern and set up a spot in the basin that would be about the same distance. I think some experimentation with setting the manual focus to the right distance would be my second choice if we can't light the cavern enough for auto focus. Locking focus in the basin would be my third choice.

I've been thinking about the two issues of sharpness and grain. The focus to infinity thing may be an issue with the virtual image from the dome port. This may be why it is not the optimal setting for sharpness. There is an image stabilization option that I may try to help the sharpness, but I don't think the camera moved (weighted to the bottom with a weight belt). I was able to layer the three pictures without moving them so I don't think the flow or our swimming disturbed the camera. Movement may be more of a problem on a tripod than what we did here. I think there may be some lack of sharpness from having pixels exposed to darkness, divers moving, and then light. The grain is less in areas with the most light. This may be a lesser effect (due to noise reduction) of what I saw on my 60 second dry test. The camera was set at the lowest ISO(100) so there should be no problem with noise from that. More experimentation may yield a better product in the sharpness and grain categories.
Yes I assume that each diver can handle at least two lights. We each used two yesterday with no problems. Can lights might even make things a little easier.

I bet i can get at least 3 more lights.. can I have 2 on each hand??? :D

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