I don't think Bob criticized them, per se; he did observe that the additions to the Infinity don't follow the guidelines of minimalism that GUE espouses. But I don't think there is any reason for Halcyon to restrict themselves to the building of GUE-ideal gear. Why? There's a very large recreational diving market of people who will never take GUE training, and there's no reason why Halcyon shouldn't create products to appeal to those folks.
It's only in OUR minds that Halcyon and DIR are synonymous.
I recently called Halcyon for customer support, and the automated, orwellian female voice clearly states that they are your doing it right" gear manufacturer ( actually thought the voice on the line was amazing and awesome--i look forward to calling halcyon again

)Now, I have no problem with that, nor do i have a problem with their link (however small or large it is) with GUE and DIR diving in general. I have never felt pressured to buy halcyon when interacting with my local GUE instructor, although the gear has always been recommended as high quality (which I have learned myself over time).
What saddens me about the catering to a less minimalist crowd is that it seems like a deviation of principle. I have seen videos of JJ, where he tells a reporter that GUE holds high standards because they believe that is the right way to teach and to dive (when i say right, i am referring to philosophy of high standards, and high skill even in the entry level, not the gear config or specific skill protocols). I found it really refreshing. What I find sad about this is that they SEEM to be compromising their beliefs just to sell a few extra BP/Ws. Now that isnt to say that the cinch system isnt a great addition to the lineup of gear. It is great for renting BP/Ws and it can be helpful for persons with decreased mobility to enjoy a simpler harness system. However, padding? Is that really how the DIR community wants to get newer members to open their minds? I am new, and I admit when i first looked at a BP and harness I thought, "god that has to be uncomfortable. where is all the padding?" Members here, in different threads and such, explained that it isnt uncomfortable and after trying it I fell in love.
Point is, there are sooo many great things about the system of diving, that if you need to sell padding, and deviate from the systems minimalist ideals, just to get customers, then the divers and dive shops arent doing a very good job communicating with the potential "converts" (sorry for the religious/cultish reference of converts, not meant to insinuate a cult). Plus, your not going to convert a large cohort of "recreational" diver just with padding. You need to really illustrate how great unified team diving is, how great the skills are, and how comfortable the diving can be.
There are, of course, things I am probably overlooking.I admit I am very fresh, and as a new "convert" I sometimes exhibit more zeal than i have right to--please dont misunderstand my posts as disrespectful to the large pool of experience and training represented here. Further, I dont teach and dont own a dive shop, so I apologize in advance if I am misunderstanding. I welcome clarification