The continuing sagas of the Blue Heron Bridge

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Is anyone diving the bridge on Friday (5/13) or Saturday (5/14) and can I tag along? My son has to work this weekend.
Does anybody know the symptoms and how to treat Bridge withdrawal? I'm heading up to Long Island to see family for a couple of weeks. That will make it at least 3 weeks without diving the Bridge. I'm gettin' the shakes already thinking about the lack of zero gravity.
Does anybody know the symptoms and how to treat Bridge withdrawal? I'm heading up to Long Island to see family for a couple of weeks. That will make it at least 3 weeks without diving the Bridge. I'm gettin' the shakes already thinking about the lack of zero gravity.
Long Island = Big bridge diving!
Does anybody know the symptoms and how to treat Bridge withdrawal? I'm heading up to Long Island to see family for a couple of weeks. That will make it at least 3 weeks without diving the Bridge. I'm gettin' the shakes already thinking about the lack of zero gravity.

Take lots of video before hand???
Bob - Hopefully you'll have internet? So you can at least live vicariously?

Nice dive up there again today. The current was so ripping when we first got in I thought I don't know if I can do this! Today's goal was frogfish. I had intel on four. Four!!! And came up empty. I saw FishEyeView at one point and signed "I choked." Hopefully he had better luck but he gave me the shrug sign, too.

But how can you ever have a bad day diving at Blue Heron Bridge?!? How can you ever have a bad dive when you get to leave work early? We saw the yellowhead jawfish again, the cutest-ever juvenile trumpetfish who was maybe 6" long ( I thought at first it was a pipefish but look at his tail), tiny hogfish and a little guy I can't say for sure if it was a blenny or jawfish.


The octopi are getting bigger and less shy every day. As I swam around, the soundtrack for another video came into my head. Stay tuned.
Were they assigned or did they pick each other?
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I think I know that eel. He has an injured jaw. Hides a lot. I love seeing your photos esp when I see an old friend- good to know they are still there. Now I need to check on friendly seaweed blenny in the bike handle. Hope he is still there & didn't get dislodged when his home moved (now how did that happen?).
Not sure I like the new look of the board but guess I will get use to it. Where do I look for messages or will they still pop up? Took me 3 tries to type this.
Bob - Hopefully you'll have internet? So you can at least live vicariously?

Nice dive up there again today. The current was so ripping when we first got in I thought I don't know if I can do this! Today's goal was frogfish. I had intel on four. Four!!! And came up empty. I saw FishEyeView at one point and signed "I choked." Hopefully he had better luck but he gave me the shrug sign, too.

But how can you ever have a bad day diving at Blue Heron Bridge?!? How can you ever have a bad dive when you get to leave work early? We saw the yellowhead jawfish again, the cutest-ever juvenile trumpetfish who was maybe 6" long ( I thought at first it was a pipefish but look at his tail), tiny hogfish and a little guy I can't say for sure if it was a blenny or jawfish.

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The octopi are getting bigger and less shy every day. As I swam around, the soundtrack for another video came into my head. Stay tuned.

It was nice to finally meet you Joanie.

I figured you made the choke sign for the one we were looking for at that spot. I found Mr Potato Head. I'll post pics after I wake up.
Now I need to check on friendly seaweed blenny in the bike handle. Hope he is still there & didn't get dislodged when his home moved (now how did that happen?).


I shot this one on a tire at the bike on Wednesday and it came out of a bit of metal tubing that easily could be a handlebar!!

Looked to be a permanent resident............................

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