The continuing sagas of the Blue Heron Bridge

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I'm a South Florida boy divorced from a South Florida girl. :rofl2:

I'm a New York city boy separated from a Key West Conch. LOL.
Ok, one more from the other day - another octopus. Watch how his head (and tentacles) change texture as he moves across the weedy ocean floor!

YouTube - Octopus at

I really need to stop thinking about BHB and focus on my job. But all I really want to is dive!
I really need to stop thinking about BHB and focus on my job. But all I really want to is dive!
Are we seeing the beginnings of pointy ears on you? :rofl3:

Video Dude and I spent a nice 2+ hours under the bridge this morning. Water temp 77 - a little chilly for my 3mm plus 3mm vest. Could have used the 5. Viz about average except for the rotor tillers - WtH? There should be a buoyancy test before you can do the skinny swim through ... of course I also think there should be a test before you're allowed to use the self check-out lane at the grocery store.

Lots and lots (and lots) of octopi everywhere. People tonight: pay attention. You'll stop to take a picture of one and be on top of another!

View attachment 93871

I was looking for a still-elusive frog fish when Video Dude swam over. He gave me the "little" sign, followed by "shark." I'm thinking: "Little shark??? A baby nurse hiding between the pilings?!?" And he points to a hole in the rubbly bottom. Suddenly a sailfin blenny pops up. Oh! THAT "shark." Those little buggers are f-a-s-t. Hopefully VD got some good video.

Puff update: someone will get lucky very soon and witness another seahorse birth. He was not moving much at all today. I think too pregnant to do much of anything except just hang on. Here are close ups of his belly (zoomed way in so sorry blurry):

View attachment 93872 View attachment 93873 May 1
April 11

Wow, that is one of the best octo pics I have seen in a long time. It's simply superb!
Did the bridge this morning. What a nice rainy day. :shakehead:

Visibility was about 10', water temp was 79*, and I lost count on the number of octopi. Some of them were posing and doing gymnastics. Camera is soaking, pics to follow in a bit.
Great 120 minute dive today. Warmish water and so-so viz...but the seahorses and octopi were everywhere.
Good to see lots of friends today, and meet a couple of new ones.
I took this picture of a rather odd looking queen conch and a buddy close by...

Wasn't the rain great? Loved the hissing! BTW still haven't seen any frog fish this spring. I know they are there. I think everyone warns them I'm on my way and they hide.


  • Blue Heron Bridge Octo Conck.jpg
    Blue Heron Bridge Octo Conck.jpg
    411 KB · Views: 65
  • Blue Heron Bridge Baby.jpg
    Blue Heron Bridge Baby.jpg
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Great 120 minute dive today. Warmish water and so-so viz...but the seahorses and octopi were everywhere.
Good to see lots of friends today, and meet a couple of new ones.
I took this picture of a rather odd looking queen conch and a buddy close by...

Wasn't the rain great? Loved the hissing! BTW still haven't seen any frog fish this spring. I know they are there. I think everyone warns them I'm on my way and they hide.

I always enjoy the rain while diving.

That's why the froggie I found today was asking me if I had seen you........
Are we seeing the beginnings of pointy ears on you? :rofl3:

I've been sipping from my troll mug for quite some time ... but my "BHB addiction" seems to be getting worse.

I ordered an external strobe today.
So what about us SoFL girls?!? Chopped liver? :wink:

Just finished working on this. The whole time I was watching him I kept thinking "That's one tough little cookie of a fish" so I thought the music choice apropos. Enjoy!

YouTube - Yellowhead Jawfish

I *did* enjoy, very much. You seem to have developed a special relationship with that guy. Great video.


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