The Canadian Seal Slaughter

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An often said Native saying ... Mitakwie oyase .. "all my relations" .. Plants, Animals, 2 leggeds, 4 leggeds, Swimming, Flying, Rocks and Sky .. all are related, none is more sacred to the creator than any other
.. aquamans sarcasm aside, we should honor all gifts equally ...
Man you guys are so awesome! Especially Wardrick and Papa Bear! Your comparisons are spot on a seal and a carrott share so many like traits. A carrott - which is a plant and a seal an animal - GOD they are practially the same thing. I am so sorry for being so misguided. Everytime I eat a poor defensless carrott I am tearing into a living, breathing, thinking creature. It is really murder to eat a carrott and far better to mash in the head of a 3 month old baby seal so that some person can wear their skin as a coat! THANK YOU GUYS so much for showing me the light. For years I have been an ignorant animal loving liberal, what a retard I am.

I love how you guys again as I stated earlier make up lame excuses as to why this and any systimatic slaughtering of a living thing is alright. The callous, inconsiderate attitudes displayed here are proof enough as to why this type of behavior is stil deemed acceptable now in the 21st century. I am sure some of the people spewing this sickening nonsense have dogs. Can you imagine a person taking a spiked club and beating your beloved dog's head in then skinning it while it still had life left within it. Where is the difference and who has defined that we, the human race have the right to decide how, when and where a creature dies.

Perhaps there is an overpopulation of seals in Canada. In the state of Wisconsin there was an overpopulation of white tailed deer and many animals were suffering from SWS (Sudden Wasting Syndrome) a parasite spread when there is an overpopulation event. The DNR flew over in helicoptors low to the ground and shot certain deer showing signs of the illness in the head or heart killing them instantly. If seal overpopulation is such an issue in Canada why doesn't the government there adopt similar methods for a more humane culling of a problem animal.

Instead the Canadain government has allowed a slaughter of greed and profit. Shooting the seal damages the pelt which then cannot be fashioned into a fur coat. Perhaps those who follow the Busshist faith are correct that re-incarnation is the path of all sentient beings. Perhaps those who are so quick to make excuses defending the seal slaughter will be re-incarnated as seals and get to witness first hand just how fair and just the seal slaughter is. Those who follow the Buddisht faith committ themselves entirely to the preservation and protection of the natural enviroment and I feel many people on this thread could learn from that example. I was a student of Sociology and Psycology in college and one of the main red flags of psycotic behavior in juveniles and adults is the willingness to brutally kill an animal. It is believed in this science that if one can (with glee) kill an animal in an overly violent and disgusting manner that they could also do the same to another person. It's funny that so many on this thread defend behavior out of adults that certain scientists would deem a symptom of serious psycological disorder.

They don't use the spike on the hakapik to kill the seal. Look at the video.

If you think anyone can sit in a helicopter and shoot a running deer on the ground in the head, or through the heart, you obviously don't know much about shooting. As stated by others, clubbing is THE MOST HUMANE way to kill those seals.

You've understood there's an overpopulation of seals, right? If you want to have some input on methods of reducing the population, please spend some years learning about it first hand. Internet knowledge does not count.

They're not hunting seals for the sport. What's this idea of giving the seals a "fair chance"? To escape? To fight back? Why??

Seals are dead when they are skinned. Their bodies may shiver and twist a bit, but dead they are. So please don't follow through on this nonsence.

The most dangerous part of the education in psychology is the three first semesters. Then the students think they've actually learned something, and can for many reasons start "practicing" their new "skills" by judging others by their arguments, and even establishing a diagnosis on them. You are way out of your leauge here, really...

I didn't ATE whale meat. I eat it on a regular basis. If not so often, then at least every second month or so. Whale meat is legal merchandise here where I live, and you can buy it in any grocery store. It's usually situated in the freezer next to frozen pizzas and fish. -
papa bear you comment that man is the master of the planet. if so then why when man goes into the home of another man and kills an entire family do we deem that perverse or wrong. When a lion or leopard invades the home of another animal and kills them all we deem that as an animal interacting with its surrondings. Perhaps instead of calling in homicide detectives and holding exectutions we should film nature documentaries and coin creative terms to describe homicide and consider it a natural part of the darwainean survival of the fittest world.

Personally Papa Bear I don't understand who or what makes you feel that man is the master of this planet. Maybe you can explain this to me and I will understand. Conservation and its pursuit are about the preservation of humanity. This planet could shake off the entire human race in no time. Global warming, green energy, perserving animals and natural resources are as important to human being's long term survival as anything else. I think that perhaps people as a whole should consider re-thinking the slaughter of animals and look at ways to better live in harmony with nature rather then working against it.
Canadian Coast Guard Rams Farley Mowat

The Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker CCGS Des Groseilliers twice rammed the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ship Farley Mowat the today.

The Coast Guard had ordered the Farley Mowat to not approach the area where seals are being slaughtered. When the Farley Mowat did not comply, the Coast Guard rammed the vessel near the port aft stern area. After the Farley Mowat stopped in the ice, the Coast Guard rammed the ship a second time in the same area of the ship causing damage to the plates in that area.

The Coast Guard has demonstrated extreme recklessness with this move. The crew of the Farley Mowat were engaged in documenting the slaughter of seals. They were not interfering with the hunt.

"I’m beginning to wonder if anyone on the bridge of the Groseilliers has a licence to command a ship." Said Captain Alex Cornelissen. "The incompetence of the Coast Guard has already cost the lives of four sealers this week-end and now they are ramming ships in dangerous ice conditions. This is unbelievable. It’s like the Coast Guard has declared war on seal defenders and the sealers are collateral damage."

The Farley Mowat will remain in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and will continue to document the atrocities on the ice. Already the crew have seen enough evidence to understand that the Canadian government’s pretense that the slaughter is humane has no basis in reality – in other words it’s a state sponsored lie.

"It appears that Canada is prepared to use violence to cover-up the truth of this slaughter" Said Captain Paul Watson. "Our duty is to resist their violence and continue to document the truth."

So much for just documenting and staying out of it! Too bad it didn't become a divable wreck!
papa bear you comment that man is the master of the planet. if so then why when man goes into the home of another man and kills an entire family do we deem that perverse or wrong. When a lion or leopard invades the home of another animal and kills them all we deem that as an animal interacting with its surrondings. Perhaps instead of calling in homicide detectives and holding exectutions we should film nature documentaries and coin creative terms to describe homicide and consider it a natural part of the darwainean survival of the fittest world.

Personally Papa Bear I don't understand who or what makes you feel that man is the master of this planet. Maybe you can explain this to me and I will understand. Conservation and its pursuit are about the preservation of humanity. This planet could shake off the entire human race in no time. Global warming, green energy, perserving animals and natural resources are as important to human being's long term survival as anything else. I think that perhaps people as a whole should consider re-thinking the slaughter of animals and look at ways to better live in harmony with nature rather then working against it.

Oh, so it's pick & choose .. I'll have some of this, but none of that .. it's which animal that your killing, not wether it's sustainable or not, that matters ..
oh yeah, I meant to say slaughter, just to be able to post here
and the threads gone from sealing to killing your familly is it?
My agenda? Just getting some facts out there and to not let you guys and your BS run away with this thread.
Obviously I've gotten under your skin.
BTW, I've posted the most unbiased information in this thread with the report I linked to earlier. None of you chose to comment on it because it really put the seal "hunt" in a bad light like any unbiased report will.
My agenda? Just getting some facts out there and to not let you guys and your BS run away with this thread.
Obviously I've gotten under your skin.

You're not into facts at all my friend. Just feelings. And I'm allright, thank you! I have no skin complexions at all anymore. I'm to old for that.

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