The Canadian Seal Slaughter

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Perhaps there is an overpopulation of seals in Canada. In the state of Wisconsin there was an overpopulation of white tailed deer and many animals were suffering from SWS (Sudden Wasting Syndrome) a parasite spread when there is an overpopulation event. The DNR flew over in helicoptors low to the ground and shot certain deer showing signs of the illness in the head or heart killing them instantly. If seal overpopulation is such an issue in Canada why doesn't the government there adopt similar methods for a more humane culling of a problem animal.

I don't know where you found this information but that is not what happened at all. The state of Wisconsin had hunters shoot ALL the deer in the areas where chronic wasting disease was found.

Exactly how a DNR guy could identify signs of chronic wasting from a helicopter is beyond me.
My agenda? Just getting some facts out there and to not let you guys and your BS run away with this thread.
Obviously I've gotten under your skin.

Sorry, still waiting for the facts? Lets here them? Is the population not sustainable? Are we down to the last 500? You know for sure that being knocked out by a club is painful? Lets hear some facts other than the are cute and have nice eyes or we should believe like everyone who is a Vegan or PETA wacko! We do need facts, since I posted the facts of sustainability that no one on "The shove it down your throat crowd" wants to hear! People first! Cut down trees they make beautiful things and they grow back! Same point!
BTW, I've posted the most unbiased information in this thread with the report I linked to earlier. None of you chose to comment on it because it really put the seal "hunt" in a bad light like any unbiased report will.

I looked for it. I could only find your "Join and donate - The Sea Sheperd" link. Perhaps that's the one, huh? Ha ha! :wink:

Anyways, feel free to repeat the link, since I missed it for sure.
The fact is that these guys swinging their hakapiks only manage to kill a little over half of the ones that don't get away to die somewhere else. They're not very skilled at all.
Also the hakapik is not the weapon most commonly used. Most of them are shot from a moving boat.
Tell you what lets set some priorities a little higher like Dafur where we could save real people from radical Muslims, but then again they aren't that cute I guess! If your heart is going to bleed at least get the blood where it will count!
I looked for it. I could only find your "Join and donate - The Sea Sheperd" link. Perhaps that's the one, huh? Ha ha! :wink:

Anyways, feel free to repeat the link, since I missed it for sure.

It's in post #76. You've been making your comments without actually reading any other posts? It just gets easier and easier to read you.:shakehead:
Tell you what lets set some priorities a little higher like Dafur where we could save real people from radical Muslims, but then again they aren't that cute I guess! If your heart is going to bleed at least get the blood where it will count!

Here's another thread hijack attempt. Once again,Please try to stay on topic. :no
An often said Native saying ... Mitakwie oyase .. "all my relations" .. Plants, Animals, 2 leggeds, 4 leggeds, Swimming, Flying, Rocks and Sky .. all are related, none is more sacred to the creator than any other
.. aquamans sarcasm aside, we should honor all gifts equally ...

I'm quoting this because it's so good no one of the Antis commented on it
Canadian Coast Guard Rams Farley Mowat

The Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker CCGS Des Groseilliers twice rammed the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ship Farley Mowat the today.

The Coast Guard had ordered the Farley Mowat to not approach the area where seals are being slaughtered. When the Farley Mowat did not comply, the Coast Guard rammed the vessel near the port aft stern area. After the Farley Mowat stopped in the ice, the Coast Guard rammed the ship a second time in the same area of the ship causing damage to the plates in that area.

The Coast Guard has demonstrated extreme recklessness with this move. The crew of the Farley Mowat were engaged in documenting the slaughter of seals. They were not interfering with the hunt.

"I’m beginning to wonder if anyone on the bridge of the Groseilliers has a licence to command a ship." Said Captain Alex Cornelissen. "The incompetence of the Coast Guard has already cost the lives of four sealers this week-end and now they are ramming ships in dangerous ice conditions. This is unbelievable. It’s like the Coast Guard has declared war on seal defenders and the sealers are collateral damage."

The Farley Mowat will remain in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and will continue to document the atrocities on the ice. Already the crew have seen enough evidence to understand that the Canadian government’s pretense that the slaughter is humane has no basis in reality – in other words it’s a state sponsored lie.

"It appears that Canada is prepared to use violence to cover-up the truth of this slaughter" Said Captain Paul Watson. "Our duty is to resist their violence and continue to document the truth."

So much for just documenting and staying out of it! Too bad it didn't become a divable wreck!

Wow, no matter how much I try, I cant find this in the news here???!!!

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