The Canadian Seal Slaughter

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Now I am getting hungry! Thanks! How about some Tuna free dolphin? :wink::rofl3:

I posted a picture of my dinner here on Scubaboard once some time back. I guess I shouldn't have. Some people argued I did it to provoke, but I didn't. I just wanted to show every one that a whale steak looks like any other ordinary non-vegan food. The thread got bashed, and I even think my picture was removed after some time. I can't find it anymore anyways.
Do you eat eggs?

Do you realize that 1/2 of the chicken hatched to supply the egg industry is "culled". Destroyed, and discarded? I used to work in an egg farm, and any rooster unlucky enough to sneak in, we pulled they neck until it breaks and discard them.

The newly hatched chicks are promptly destroyed once they are sexed. They are not efficient feed to meat converters, so we simply destroy them.

What do you think we do with all the lampreys, carps, nutria, rats, mice and pests we have "harvested"? We also destroy them, and discard them.

Did you forget to mention what happens to the poultry after they no longer produce enough eggs? They don't become food, exactly... More likely they're made into glue, or just plowed into the ground, or burned. But we gotta have those eggs...
For example, on the hakapik, who do you trust most? an organization known for it's publicity stunts and controversial tactics... or a veterinary association whose first goal is to take care of animals?[/QUOTE]

Aparently these guys aren't very skilled with their hakapiks. Here's your report from an independent veterinary association.

Living in Canada I'm sure you hear so much false propoganda on this issue I can easily see why you could be led to believe it.
yeah, Paul Watson is from Canada so I heard quite a lot of false propaganda

even if your report is not signed, doesn't look official and taken from the IFAW website, it's dating 2001. That was like 7 years ago.

And also, btw, sealers, especially in Newfoundland, are more and more using rifles nowadays, not for efficiency reasons but only because it looks less brutal in propaganda videos.
I would hope that no one decides which side of this issue they're on based on what they read in these forums. Just do a search to learn some facts. There is a huge preponderance of evidence against these "Hunts" from many different organizations.
The more knowledge you have the better off you are.
I would hope that no one decides which side of this issue they're on based on what they read in these forums. Just do a search to learn some facts. There is a huge preponderance of evidence against these "Hunts" from many different organizations.
The more knowledge you have the better off you are.

Yes, education through the internet is a wonderful thing. It beats knowing a few whalers and sealers, drinking with them and talking to them. There's no thruth in that only children and drunks tell the thruth. They all lie, especially when they think they're alone with you. -Let alone, heaven forbid, taking on a season on a boat to work and see for yourself.

I guess you wouldn't have to when you can Google it instead...
Man you guys are so awesome! Especially Wardrick and Papa Bear! Your comparisons are spot on a seal and a carrott share so many like traits. A carrott - which is a plant and a seal an animal - GOD they are practially the same thing. I am so sorry for being so misguided. Everytime I eat a poor defensless carrott I am tearing into a living, breathing, thinking creature. It is really murder to eat a carrott and far better to mash in the head of a 3 month old baby seal so that some person can wear their skin as a coat! THANK YOU GUYS so much for showing me the light. For years I have been an ignorant animal loving liberal, what a retard I am.

I love how you guys again as I stated earlier make up lame excuses as to why this and any systimatic slaughtering of a living thing is alright. The callous, inconsiderate attitudes displayed here are proof enough as to why this type of behavior is stil deemed acceptable now in the 21st century. I am sure some of the people spewing this sickening nonsense have dogs. Can you imagine a person taking a spiked club and beating your beloved dog's head in then skinning it while it still had life left within it. Where is the difference and who has defined that we, the human race have the right to decide how, when and where a creature dies.

Perhaps there is an overpopulation of seals in Canada. In the state of Wisconsin there was an overpopulation of white tailed deer and many animals were suffering from SWS (Sudden Wasting Syndrome) a parasite spread when there is an overpopulation event. The DNR flew over in helicoptors low to the ground and shot certain deer showing signs of the illness in the head or heart killing them instantly. If seal overpopulation is such an issue in Canada why doesn't the government there adopt similar methods for a more humane culling of a problem animal.

Instead the Canadain government has allowed a slaughter of greed and profit. Shooting the seal damages the pelt which then cannot be fashioned into a fur coat. Perhaps those who follow the Busshist faith are correct that re-incarnation is the path of all sentient beings. Perhaps those who are so quick to make excuses defending the seal slaughter will be re-incarnated as seals and get to witness first hand just how fair and just the seal slaughter is. Those who follow the Buddisht faith committ themselves entirely to the preservation and protection of the natural enviroment and I feel many people on this thread could learn from that example. I was a student of Sociology and Psycology in college and one of the main red flags of psycotic behavior in juveniles and adults is the willingness to brutally kill an animal. It is believed in this science that if one can (with glee) kill an animal in an overly violent and disgusting manner that they could also do the same to another person. It's funny that so many on this thread defend behavior out of adults that certain scientists would deem a symptom of serious psycological disorder.
I know you have an open mind Naturediver so I hope the explanations given in numerous posts in this thread helped you discern between facts and fiction.

Even Greenpeace doesn't talk about seals anymore. They understood there was no threat to nature in this case.

If you would speak french, I could show you a video by an embedded journalist with the Humane Society that decided to show the real face of this organization, not only what they wanted him to show.
I have seen the video referenced, Greenpeace is not above staging filmed "events" and even making seals suffer .. just to show "their" view

Look, if you have an abundance of animals, hunted in a manor so that it's a sustainable one (using hackapic's, rifles, archery, spears or even exploding harpoons, does not make a material difference) and are going to use the whole animal ... what is the problem here?

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