The Canadian Seal Slaughter

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You know Papa bear, I also put the earth first. The difference is that I consider myself as a part of it completely so I also put myself (humankind) first. I kill what I eat when I can and I respect what I kill by not wasting it and trying to make it the less painfull as possible.

Every hunter knows that an animal that suffers too long will not be as tasty as a clean killed one. Also, a seal or other animal that would suffer too long would risk damaging it's fur. This is where the "Antis" arguments are failing. There is no logical reason to let an animal suffer needlessly and know that.
You're trying to hijack this into an anti-hunting thread which is a tactic that you like to use.
Please try to stay on topic.:no
You're trying to hijack this into an anti-hunting thread which is a tactic that you like to use.
Please try to stay on topic.:no
Tactic? :huh:
hmm, I thought this threads topic was anti hunting seals ...
or do I need to use the term "slaughter" to be able to post here?
You're trying to hijack this into an anti-hunting thread which is a tactic that you like to use.
Please try to stay on topic.:no
this is an anti hunting thread..

sorry mate, i don't eat seafood or any other non sustainable product.. the entire idea of commercial fishing sickens me especially shrimp trawling, long lining, and anything to do with massive nets.. as does shark finning, whaling etc i don't hunt.. i am an environmentalist and a strong one at that.

But, when certain species are overpopulated then a cull is a smart and logical thing to do to retain some level of equality in the local eco system, if it happens to coincide with some very few people being able to feed their families then so be it. there are areas in N America where the deer hunt is aimed at this as well. Wardric has mentioned he is very much a proponent of this and i agree with him. If it is sustainable and managed properly then....? Tuna will be going extinct soon as there are no real quotas on that or a well managed system. If you want to get up in arms on the tuna fishery i am right there beside you. Shark finning, i am in front of you.. Seals in eastern canada? not so much...

your emotionally charged arguments and failure to listen to logic have lost me on this one...

Honest question: are you a vegan? Please don't tell me you eat canned tuna or shrimp.
I used the term killing, slaughtering, hunting, fishing and gathering. At the end, they all mean killing living creatures, animal or plants. Choose the one you want.
PETA and SS people only campaign when cute animals are at stake. You know what I heard the other day? Plankton is decreasing at an alarming rate. If it's true, and I dont doubt it, there will be a mass extintion of animal species in a not so far future. Maybe we should focus our energy on real problems. But of course, it's easier to raise $$$ for cuddly animals.
to choose what can die and what can live based on "human" factors like cudliness or our definition of intelligence..

We kill eco-systems and we have darn near killed our oceans. But it has nothing to do with hunting overabundant resources like seals.

I just wanted to put this one in again as i agree with it.. And yes, we are killing our oceans way way way too quickly.. some may see that as a hypocritical thought but its not... think about it.
Wardric says;
"I think all of the seal must be used. meat, bones, fur."
Not the case at all. The carcass is wasted.

Do you eat eggs?

Do you realize that 1/2 of the chicken hatched to supply the egg industry is "culled". Destroyed, and discarded? I used to work in an egg farm, and any rooster unlucky enough to sneak in, we pulled they neck until it breaks and discard them.

The newly hatched chicks are promptly destroyed once they are sexed. They are not efficient feed to meat converters, so we simply destroy them.

What do you think we do with all the lampreys, carps, nutria, rats, mice and pests we have "harvested"? We also destroy them, and discard them.
Now what I really hate is when we pull all those helpless Carrots from their beds screaming and clinging to every inch of soil as the get thrown into large trucks to be sliced and sealed in cans after a scalding brutal washing! I have even heard they peel their flesh off! OMG the inhumanity of it all!:shakehead:

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