The Canadian Seal Slaughter

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I would think because your not in the cross hairs of PETA yet! Just wait they will get to you soon! When they take away our guns we will always have clubs! As long as there not cigar clubs! :no
Well I might as well throw my 2 Canuck pesos into the conversation.
EastCoasters have been beating those pretty lil' furry creatures for a few hundred years. The population is still very healthy...almost scary if you do a fly over an ice pack.
I am from the EastCoast and have taken the swing...its quick and over in seconds.
The environmentalist groups love to jump up and down about the "slaughter" of the pretty lil' white seals. Then some enviro-nut (who has never seen a seal except on the Discovery Channel) from the city pumps $$ into Greenpeace, Sierra, and The David Suzuki Foundations pockets so their representatives can travel the world saving all the "cute" and "pretty" mammals.
How about commercial fishing for tuna, shark, herring, and the pacific wild salmon!! Most of those fish are killed by suffocating in a fish hold.:confused: No one is jumping up and down there.
Alot of countries have culling for different purposes. But few critters are as cute and can pull in the sympathy cash as fast as a white pup seal...As with the news...sick bad crap sells and people make tons from it.

By the way I respect the environment and work to protect it the water and the forests.
I don't fish or hunt, but do not criticize people who harvest correctly.

Well theres my 2 cents...take it or leave it...but don't believe everything enviro-nuts publish or post.:no

Did you forget to mention what happens to the poultry after they no longer produce enough eggs? They don't become food, exactly... More likely they're made into glue, or just plowed into the ground, or burned. But we gotta have those eggs...

In honesty, in a good market, spent hens (once they have laid about 300 eggs, or just a little over a year old) are kept for another season, or about another year, for a second cycle of egg laying. Then they are killed, as the third season is not as productive.

In a bad market, they have two options. Sold to Cambell for about 10 cents a pound to make soup. Occasionally the meat market is bad, and it is not worthwhile to capture them alive for processing ... and they are destroyed. I helped out with a night time capture of the spent hens ... It is noisy, dusty, and not a fun job. The local town kids help out. The prison work release program helps the farms too.

The food animal industry is an important part of our society. Whatever we can do to make it more humane is good. I do applaud the action of the humane society to improve their welfare. There is a fine line between practical farming methods and cruelty. I do not consider clubbing necessary cruel. But again, I have not review the issue. I have worked in both the dairy and poultry industry... much can be done to improve animal welfare ... but I don't intend to suggest that all become vegetarians.

I guess looking at the fur industry, would I rather be a wild mink or muskrat, and faces life as it usually happen? Or be penned up in a mink farm in a little coup - breeding only for the pelt of my children? What is more cruel? Having the freedom to roam the wild, breed, and have offsprings; or to be couped up in a pen with barely enough bedding and water, and wait to be skinned by my owner?

I think I would chose being wild, and face my chance with the club, the leg hold trap, or a bullet. That is the faith of a wild animal anyway. At least you have freedom.

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An often said Native saying ... Mitakwie oyase .. "all my relations" .. Plants, Animals, 2 leggeds, 4 leggeds, Swimming, Flying, Rocks and Sky .. all are related, none is more sacred to the creator than any other
.. aquamans sarcasm aside, we should honor all gifts equally ...

I agree with this, other than the creator part. But that's a whole different thread.
ok, let's get back to the original question now. I say Seal

I would think because your not in the cross hairs of PETA yet! Just wait they will get to you soon! When they take away our guns we will always have clubs! As long as there not cigar clubs! :no

Papa Bear has to be one of the most entertaining people on Scubaboard.
What I don't understand is this: If there is an overpopulation event involving seals in Canada why not just use a humane way of culling their numbers. Injection with a lethal serum much like is used to put pets to sleep would be far more humane then bashing in the animals head and they could still use the pelt for fur? Does this not make any sense to anyone?
Papa Bear has to be one of the most entertaining people on Scubaboard.
as well as the winner of the !!!!!!!!!!!!!! prize for exclamation! :D :D

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