The Canadian Seal Slaughter

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Yep, save everything, dont kill anything, and anyone who thinks that humans, animals, plants, water, or the air are equaly important , is just antiquated thinking
Today, as you read this, I and four other members of The Humane Society of the United States’ ProtectSeals team will go on trial for documenting Canada’s commercial seal hunt·

Alarmed by the international outcry against the hunt, the Canadian government is desperate to cover up the cruelty that takes place on the ice every year when sealers slaughter hundreds of thousands of seal pups for their fur· And the government appears ready to sink to desperate tactics to stop us from exposing the truth·

Tell Canada what you think of its attempt to draw a curtain around the cruelty of the commercial seal hunt: Contact Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper today·

The incident in question happened on March 26, 2006· My team of observers and I filmed sealers as they killed helpless baby seals, documenting apparent violations of hunt regulations· Without warning, officers from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) stopped us and accused us of being slightly within the 10-meter distance from seal hunters required by our observation permits· We were not, and we have the evidence to prove it·

Some of our footage was seized, and we were denied observation permits for the rest of the 2006 hunt· Today, we must appear in a courtroom in a sealing community in the Magdalen Islands to defend ourselves· These trumped-up charges are part of the government’s concerted campaign to block observation of the hunt· Just months ago, the DFO proposed to double the distance observers must remain from seal hunters, making documenting cruelty violations even more difficult· In marked contrast, seal hunters have threatened and assaulted observers on the ice floes — even going so far as to throw rocks at our helicopter blades while we were in the air and threatening the safety of every person on that helicopter — and received not even a reprimand·

What you are seeing in this video has now been outlawed by the canadian government· no, not the ones killing the seals· And no, not the large ships attempting to ram or hurt the tiny raft· But the canadian fisheries department, headed by Loyola Hearn has outlawed anyone, including you, from photographing or observing a sealer within range killing a seal·

That's right, if you even tried to go look at it or get a picture to expose what they are doing, they have attempted to make it illegal· And although the people from the Humane Society or Sea Shepherd are only carrying video cameras or waving flags, Loyola Hearn has issued statements saying that the sealers (the ones with the guns, and the hakapiks, and in the large ship trying to Ram the tiny raft) need to be protected from "bullies"·

Nothing was done about those in the large fishing vessel pursuing, attempting to damage, and endangering the persons in rubber raft· In that spirit, the things that they are trying to hide shall be exposed and shown to all the world, so you can see what the sealers wish they are attempting to hide·

I too thought it was current! Sent to me by a friend! This one involves 2006 hunt!

YouTube - On Thin Ice: Canada's Commercial Seal Hunt
We finely agree Man is the top of the priority list! When this planet burns up in the sun we will move on to the next and say good by taking what we can, but not all!
Papa Bear, We might disagree on the seal hunt but it is nice to see that someone else has a sense of humor around here.
SS are pretending there was a ramming today but they write : Please note regular Canadian News outlets will not be covering this aspect of the story, so using the Sea Shepherd reports is the only way to get this information.)

at this link Canadian Coast Guard Rams Sea Shepherd Ship at Seal Hunt - Democratic Underground

Come on, we're not China or Cuba. And there are so many tree huggers in Canada that it would make the news instantly
I agree with Papa Bear's sense of humor, he is pretty funny. Anyhow to comment on the person that said my information about the Wisconsin deer problem was wrong. You may be right, I got my information from a friend who worked as a biologist for the state of wisconsin that assisted in controlling the outbreak of sudden wasting. She told me about the measures that were taken which I quoted here. I will say I trust what she said to be true as she is a very respected, thoughtful biologist and ardent conservationist.

As for the seal hunt; if Canada isn't ashamed of their hunt and its totally non-violent, humane and acceptable why don't they open it up for all to see. Here in MD we have hunts for deer, turkey, bear, and a very active fishing season. All our covered by local and state wide media. Why doesn't Canada want people viewing the seal hunt?

WHOA wardric said tree hugger. I consider myself a tree hugger so this a direct PERSONAL attack against me. I am turning him into the mods as we speak for personal attacks. Just kidding :)
Why doesn't Canada want people viewing the seal hunt?

It's one of the most viewed and mediatized hunt in the world!!!

WHOA wardric said tree hugger. I consider myself a tree hugger so this a direct PERSONAL attack against me. I am turning him into the mods as we speak for personal attacks. Just kidding :)

I am a tree hugger myself, we just have a slightly different definition of it, that's all

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