The All-Inclusive Fall Megadive Thread (October 3-5 2008)

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I'll take neither option , unless your stuck in Nebraska... (erp)

Stuck in a hotel in Ohama...

P.S. You know , I haven't had a single person say they would go for a er , rock-slog dive. Dang Salties are just TOO prevelant these days. (double sigh)

DANG , now I forgot...
Never mind.

I'm going to try to talk the client to letting me come home on Thursday instead of Friday. But if I try to explain to them what a MegaDive is , they probably will lock me up. At least up here , they all talk like me , you bet !!! (SMILE)
(they actually say Pop...)
Us "dang salties" is what make the MegaDive so awesome! We are willing to dive in cold freshwater to hang out with our friends! And drink rum!
Will see ya'll on Friday afternoon sometime.
Oh, and IF I do 3 dives on Saturday, with the last dive being the Galaxy dive, it will be #500!!!!!!!
Who wants to do 3 dives on Saturday??? Sunrise in the ballroom, afternoon lazy river dive, then the Galaxy!
Us "dang salties" is what make the MegaDive so awesome! We are willing to dive in cold freshwater to hang out with our friends! And drink rum!
Will see ya'll on Friday afternoon sometime.
Oh, and IF I do 3 dives on Saturday, with the last dive being the Galaxy dive, it will be #500!!!!!!!
Who wants to do 3 dives on Saturday??? Sunrise in the ballroom, afternoon lazy river dive, then the Galaxy!

The sunrise is out because I can NEVER get up that early. But I think the others got ya covered , so I know MYSELF I would be HONORED to dive with you on your 500th. :D :D :D

Hmmmm....Maybe make up a little hat for ya... Or a sign , or something...

Da Beano Baggins...

P.S. COLD fresh water...Er , uh , and what about in the wintertime when everyone comes up HERE to dive in the WARM fresh water...(EEK) lol
And you run STEAMING to the showers. But I degress.
(Can't wait bugs , no skeeters etc)
Just to let everyone know, Im coming with three other friends. Any tips on what to bring? Can I contact one of you guys for extra details?
Looks like #500 will be the basin dive with Hermit Crab after the sunrise dive. I did a dive this morning at Blue Heron Bridge. Saw a seahorse a few big horseshoe crabs, an unconcerned sharptail eel, baby lobsters.....Us dang salties have the coolest stuff to look at! :D
See ya all on Friday!!! We may try to leave early on Friday and make it up there round noon or so, so we can go canoeing, something I promised Hermit Crab the last time and ran out of time to do it.
Drako, copy and paste this with what you are bringing. For those that have not been enriched in life by not previously attending a MegaDive...

- you are pretty much on your own for supplies. If you need something, ask and somebody will probably have it for you to borrow.

Diving- same as camping, you're on your own equipment wise, and like camping, if there is something you need somebody can probably lend it to you.

Food- You are on your own for Friday night. Breakfast is omlettes. See the list and bring something to add to brekky doesn't have to be just for omlettes. People in the past have brought juice, doughnuts, Pop Tarts, coffee, and omlette stuff. Saturday afternoon lunch is usually more closer to an early dinner. Bring something to share- chicken, salads, desserts, veggies, water... There will also be an offering tank for those that for whatever reason do not bring food but would like to contribute $$ to offset the cost of the pavillion and other food items.

There usually is a table or two that has food on it of some sort for all to share.
Night time is the campfire... and on Saturday night the Galaxy dive then the campfire. Good times and lots of memories. Anybody know where the coconut bra and grass skirt are? Oh and newbies are required to bring rum!!!
So, with that info.. here is the revised list.

Revised attendee list & what they are bringing.
Please copy and paste this forward with any updates

BabyDuck + Jameson the Wonder Buoy - snacky junk stuff like pop tarts & chips & trail mix

ScubaJenny + Hermit Crab the Diver - S'mores stuff, marshmallows for guns, bacon for omlettes

JahJah Warrior + abused and scared alligator

scubafool + 2 or 3 - firewood, hotdogs for the dinner, (black olives, mushrooms, eggs, shredded cheese, cubed ham) for the omelet-in-a-bag breakfast.

Cardzard + beautiful and alluring wife Roxanne - 36 hamburgers & Buns, Normal Breakfast stuff - All the galaxy dive stuff

The Fort White Cow Tipper (jeandiver)

brewoneOto + wife - potato salad

DEEPSEAWOLF + various miscreants

marchand + lots of tanks


DA Aquamaster

FL Dive Lover

Scuba Crab


H2Andy- out of tune guitar



?Randy43068 + 1?



Sorry, wont be able to make it. I can't make the drive because my ankle swells up to much. Man, broken bones are no fun. I had hopes that I'd be able to attend but it depended on my ankle cooperating.
My comp is still offline and H's computer is unerringly slow. I have stumbled through all of the posts and seen some interesting questions, ideas, comments... ;P
On the subject of a grill; we normally get a large grill with the pavillion and occasionally get one with the site itself. I have inherited a propane grill from my dad which I will be working on tomorrow. If I can get the basin repaired, and it doesn't explode from leakage somewhere, it will be present. As I now have a propane tree, and enough fixtures to look like a new Toyota engine, I hereby dub my cooking station the official Megadive Mascot,... an Octopus!!! I even have an idea for it as a logo! An Octopus with arms extended and a device on each tentacle, a grill, campstove, turkey fryer, lantern, propane tank and room for added devices. Perhaps superimposed over a trebuchet or something. :wink:
I will also be working on getting the treb rebuilt this week.
On camping gear,... as the kids and wife will not be staying with me for the weekend and just daytripping, I'll probably be dropping the megatent for a smaller and faster to setup personal tent. The megatarps will still be with me as we always get liquid sunshine wakeups early in the morning. Oh, and could Dawn PLEASE keep Scubafool from doing it in the windows of the noob tents this year. It might scare them off. Oh, wait, I was talking about rain the first time. Nevermind.
I suggest we keep all DRYgoods on one table run this year and cover it before bed to keep the crazy chef from the nearby asylum from waking everyone up at 3am to cover stuff. Just a thought :)
AAAAAANNNNNDDDD as has apparently become a FREAKIN' consistency... two weeks before the megadive, something has come along as a "let's keep Ken from diving" dive gift for me from Satan; THIS year, it seems to be a major case of BRONCHITIS!!! I, however, have a solution for this, aside from the pharmacy I am currently digesting on a daily basis...
Off meds on Wednesday, so I can refill the Megarumtote on Thursday!!! Yes I still have it! Will be accompanying me along with the banner as usual.
My parents have had a few trees drop in the storms and may have some cut wood laying around. Since Scubafool demolished his RV and intends to bring the lumber, we need a better source of bonfire wood. I'll see what I can do.
I may or may not be diving, but Maneater is planning on a galaxy dive, and maybe the drift dive if she can make it.
I plan on being there midday Friday since every time I plan on EARLY it never materialises. I have to pick B up from school on Friday, but may give him the day off instead. That COULD get me there earlier. His birthday is Tuesday and he turns 7 years old.
I'll see everyone this weekend. Perhaps we can get a date for the Spring MD agreed on early enough to allow people to seek options to attend. Hmmm, still no word from 5H3PH3RD8OY?
Where, oh where, has our dear Andy gone? Oh where, oh where, could he BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA????
Randy, sorry to hear you can't make it. Maybe the spring Megadive?
Ken--no water balloons, new Ginnie rule, just like the no glass rule. this is important: all rum MUST be brought in in plastic containers, or metal ones, no glass!!!

JahJah might be bringing a female friend this go-round :D

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