The All-Inclusive Fall Megadive Thread (October 3-5 2008)

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OK , I am throwing in a couple dozen brats... :D
Is Johnsonville OK , you betcha dere?

Da Beano

P.S. Still trying to shake out of Omaha a day early...Uffda...

Revised attendee list & what they are bringing.
Please copy and paste this forward with any updates

BabyDuck + Jameson the Wonder Buoy - snacky junk stuff like pop tarts & chips & trail mix

ScubaJenny + Hermit Crab the Diver - S'mores stuff, marshmallows for guns, bacon for omlettes

JahJah Warrior + abused and scared alligator

scubafool + 2 or 3 - firewood, hotdogs for the dinner, (black olives, mushrooms, eggs, shredded cheese, cubed ham) for the omelet-in-a-bag breakfast.

Cardzard + beautiful and alluring wife Roxanne - 36 hamburgers & Buns, Normal Breakfast stuff - All the galaxy dive stuff

The Fort White Cow Tipper (jeandiver) Chair + Brats + Brat Buns + Salsa + Chips

brewoneOto + wife - potato salad

DEEPSEAWOLF + various miscreants

marchand + lots of tanks


DA Aquamaster

FL Dive Lover

Scuba Crab


H2Andy- out of tune guitar



?Randy43068 + 1?



Jean, for a second I thought you were bringing a couple dozen small pesky children.
I don't think we are going to make it. I am scheduled to start my new job Oct 6. Driving all night sunday will make it so I give a pretty bad first impression.
Jean, for a second I thought you were bringing a couple dozen small pesky children.

Nah ( lol )
Bratz ... (bratworst)...
I forget , I'm from the upper midwest...That's how we always say it. Brats.

You up for a cave dive next week at the MegaDive? No-one has taken me up on my offer , not that I blame them.

I think David/ther other salties won't dive with me anymore. (sigh)
Not that I blame HIM/them either ( lol )

Too Many Brats (bratz etc...) EEK :rofl3:

Bean Bag
beano, larry & i are in for a cave dive or seven!! hermit crab is babysitting, so we're ready to roll. i even dreamed about it last night, though i was running the reel, so it was really a nightmare.
I'm in for a few dives on Saturday, but Jeff and I are planning a big dive that night after the galaxy dive so I want to be careful not to push my cns clock and all during the day too much. Plus, my booties tear up my ankles really badly. I've still got a scab from my last trip two weeks ago...
JahJah, I thought we were doing two big dives on Saturday?

P.S. I'm going to put a reel in the eye and the ear thursday night and leave them in till monday so feel free to be lazy and use mine.
ooh, a megadive reel might be a good idea...could you pimp it up to make it really unmistakable? and we could drop cookies per team on it?
Jeff--run one of your homemade reels and put a cookie on the outside tie off labeled "megadive reel"--I'll give you a blank one to replace it with if you want. Then yes Babyduck every team will drop a cookie, standard procedure--will we pull the lines Sat night Jeff or will you pull them yourself later in the week? And I forgot you had that Saturday off, yeah we'll do two big dives. I don't want to schlep all my crap up the ballroom for the galaxy dive...ugh...I'll probably just carry a buddy bottle, I just have to figure out weighting to do it without a wing and all :D

It is looking like I'll have a lady friend with me but she understands that I'll be underwater a bit :D
I'm planning on running both home made reels in; one in the eye and the other in the ear. I'll make sure that the primary tie offs are clearly marked, and I'll pull them on my Monday night dive.

I'm probably going to monkey dive the ballroom for the galaxy dive also. Do you have an AL80 yet?

Rub it in why don't ya.

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