Thank heavens for PADI

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Armyguy38 once bubbled...
But alas poor Eurick

Excuse me,

what is that supposed to mean?

If it has anything to do with the fact that BartBe lives in Europe, being myself European (and on a sidenote living myself in Belgium and in Brussels) I feel very much insulted :upset: :upset: :upset: :upset:

If the meaning is something totally different please explain.
chiara once bubbled...

Excuse me,

what is that supposed to mean?

If it has anything to do with the fact that BartBe lives in Europe, being myself European (and on a sidenote living myself in Belgium and in Brussels) I feel very much insulted :upset: :upset: :upset: :upset:

If the meaning is something totally different please explain.

I think it is a mis-spelled attempt to paraphrase Shakespear, the "Alas poor Yorick, I knew him Horatio" line from Hamlet.
Sorry my spelling sucks, that is what I ment,
it was a joke a funny not to be taken to heart
Armyguy38 once bubbled...

my dear Armyman, first of all i dont care if you like my opinions, free country you know, like 'm or not.
even i cant be incompetent enough to be kicked out of a PADI class and i am still glad i came to my senses in time not to waste $2000+ on the IDC.

i cant be a 'lonely' <deleted>...., my opinion of PADI's standards being far to low is hardly just my own now is it.


PADI, if taught strictly by the book, does not produce safe & competent divers, yes, that is what i think.
i do realize there are instructors like M.F that teach good trim/bouyancy and a lot of other stuff that should be in a PADI class. However, in that case you cant really call that class a PADI class anymore. It is a PADI instructor that does not teach the PADI way. And that is great. I have never said that 'all' PADI instructors are bad, it depends on how strictly they adhere to PADI's curriculum.

my opinions are formed by what i see. that opinion is not cast in stone. if GUE ever starts lowering standards to accomodate the lazy masses i will say the exact same thing i say about PADI now and i will find another agency somewhere. But, as of yet, i have not seen GUE do the crap that PADI does. And i have also seen some very bad stuff done by a TDI instructor, it is not just PADI. And believe me i have contacted PADI and TDI about these things and they just dont give a sh*t.

i do not bash PADI for the fun of it, i do not enjoy it. It frustrates me to see divers that stop diving because their class was so lousy that confidence was lacking completely and they quit diving before they ever started. i have been able to get some of them past that point and motivated again by going diving with them after the class.

feel free to think i am here bashing PADI because i have nothing better to do. believe me, i have plenty of other things to do but my problem is i care, i need to fix that. We should get together some day and go diving :wink:
sheck33 once bubbled...

PADI, if taught strictly by the book, does not produce safe & competent divers, yes, that is what i think.

I disagree, kind of. I think it tought BY THE BOOK, they produce adequate divers. PADI as you know, is preformance based. Did you clearn you mask, great, next task. But that is abritrary, depending on the instructor. 2 instructors could watch the same person and see 2 different things. I've seen, IMO, flawless preformaces of a task to have the instructor say "do it again" and the otherway around, I thought it sucked, but it was good enough for the instr.
Without some serious micromanagment from PADI, where they put in the standards:
"Thou shalt remove thy mask, hold it at arms length for 5 seconds, then replace it by placing the mask against the face, then putting the strap securly behind the head. Yay, I say unto you, clear thine mask with 3 breathes, not 2, and 4 being too much. Thou shalt find comfort in the OK sign once done."
Unfortunatly, I think it's going to stay the way it is. So I think it really comes down to us to help our fellow divers by being the best divers we can an hope they follow the lead.
norcaldiver once bubbled...

"Thou shalt remove thy mask, hold it at arms length for 5 seconds, then replace it by placing the mask against the face, then putting the strap securly behind the head. Yay, I say unto you, clear thine mask with 3 breathes, not 2, and 4 being too much. Thou shalt find comfort in the OK sign once done."

roflmfao -- thanks for adding some light humor to my day.
sheck33 once bubbled...

if you want to learn how to dive rather than be an environment wrecking underwater tourist i'd suggest you definitely stay away from PADI as a training agency and stay away from any other agency claiming to turn you into an expert diver in 1 weekend with the minimum amount of effort.

if you are really dedicated and want to become a proficient diver i recommend taking some GUE classes.

:boom: :boom:
.... its up to others to decide what they think your intent was.

It's clear me what you wanted to say. You exaggerate real well, just not accurately. PADI does not recommend a one weekend class or do they claim a OW course will make you an expert diver. Those are your words not PADI's.

Also i don't see TDI or any other agency in your above quoted post, do you? So don't try to make it sound like you dole out your criticisms equally, as you deem they are deserved, to all agencies. IMO you have a hard-on for PADI, plain and simple. I'm sure you have your reasons. I'm sure some of them are even valid. But try to use real information, not the bull your peddling in the above quote.

Here's another opinion, the PADI system can put out competent divers because i have been doing it for almost ten years now. They don't hammer the reef, they don't till the bottom, they don't go ballistic and to date, somehow, someway, not one of them has met an untimely death from being trained by a PADI instructor.

Imagine that! :confused:
gedunk once bubbled...


Here's another opinion, the PADI system can put out competent divers because i have been doing it for almost ten years now. They don't hammer the reef, they don't till the bottom, they don't go ballistic and to date, somehow, someway, not one of them has met an untimely death from being trained by a PADI instructor.

Imagine that! :confused:

no, not the PADI system, you can.

i do not dole out criticisms equally, if that is how you interpreted what i wrote i guess i wasnt clear enough. My point was that, while, IMO, PADI is the main offender, i have some issues with other agency's as well.

but this is an unsolvable case of disagreement, and that is fine.
you keep working on producing competent divers, i'll work on my thing and i will try very hard to stop caring, how about that.

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