Thank heavens for PADI

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sheck33 once bubbled...

that is not an easy question as not everybody has access to different agencies. for this area i live in i would suggest 5th D, the SSI OW class done the DIR/GUE way.

anything but PADI really, in addition to that after getting certified continue with DIR-F.

For people in europe stick with CMAS

I don't know...I issue PADI OW cards and I think I put on a great class.

I've seen some real works of art come out of CMAS, BTW.
Other than that I think your recommendation is sound but not because of SSI but rather because og Andrew and his people. We're not saying that the instructor makes all the difference are we?

If I ever get tired of just diving I think I'll start an agency so I can ldump the rest of my money. LOL
gedunk once bubbled...

Thats a great question. Maybe you should to talk to someone about that.:wink:

You're not helping any....LOL
Stephen Ash once bubbled...
I don't think that's fair TJ.

If Mike was interested in running his shop like a typical LDS then maybe (and I mean maybe) he would have survived. I'm sure Mike has the where with all to do that. But his success would have depended on a lot more factors than just Mike himself.

I suspect that Mike did devote his total energies into his shop but found that given the industry and market no amount of effort and business acumen would produce a profitable business with his particular set of high ideals.

I find Mike's critisms of PADI to be pretty much dead on and come from a knowledgable, fair, and intelligent source who has had personal experience with the system.

Just keep in mind that he - and others of us around here - think that there should be more emphasis on finishing more a 'complete' student.

Mike would probably agree that the shortcomings of the PADI system are only a small part of the problem. If the other factors were more 'favorable' then it would be possible to have a profitable shop based on Mike's ideals even if one were bound to train within the standards presently given by PADI.

I truly didn't mean it as a shot of any knid, and I applaud Mike for his dedication to bettering diver training. (And spirited debate!)

My apologies.
MikeFerrara once bubbled...

I don't know...I issue PADI OW cards and I think I put on a great class.

I've seen some real works of art come out of CMAS, BTW.
Other than that I think your recommendation is sound but not because of SSI but rather because og Andrew and his people. We're not saying that the instructor makes all the difference are we?

If I ever get tired of just diving I think I'll start an agency so I can ldump the rest of my money. LOL

seem to be an exception in a positive way.
lol, i never said that the instructor does not make a difference.:)
BartBe once bubbled...

I expect from my instructor to give me the basics, to teach me what is important and do the needed work myself to feel 100% comfortable with my skills. If i'm not sure about something i will ask, I will train, I will practice...

I agree with you completely.

I'll be starting IDD-AOW next week which after completion will allow me to dive to 32 meters. However, this will not make me an "advanced" diver, just one with a bit more experience. :)
Maybe by the time that I've logged ten times the number of dives I've logged now (16) that I'll consider myself to be an "experienced" diver.

But that's only a description. What I aim to become is a safe diver and a reliable buddy. I'm sure this will take a lot of practice, a few courses as well and of course lots of diving... :)

But hey, I'll get there eventually.:thumb:
PhotoTJ once bubbled...

I truly didn't mean it as a shot of any knid, and I applaud Mike for his dedication to bettering diver training. (And spirited debate!)

My apologies.

Spirited debate? That's not what my wife calls it.
sheck33 once bubbled...

if you want to learn how to dive rather than be an environment wrecking underwater tourist i'd suggest you definitely stay away from PADI as a training agency and stay away from any other agency claiming to turn you into an expert diver in 1 weekend with the minimum amount of effort.

if you are really dedicated and want to become a proficient diver i recommend taking some GUE classes.

:boom: :boom:

once agin someone sayin it is not possible for a padi diver to be good, I think some people need a reality check.
sheck33 once bubbled...

i think there is a difference in being opionated and being a wise-ass. i am very opionated but i have never claimed to know it all, others have. and i guess it is to my own disadvantage that i care, so yes, i try to keep newbies away from PADI and yes i am going to voice that opinion.

Yeah, yeah and your laughing on the inside right? You have said again and again that PADI can not put out good divers. You lump every PADI instructor in the same "lousy instructor" category when you say things like that. What a bunch of hooey! But what the hey, your line is the PC line for this board .... you know you'll get plenty of support by rippin on PADI in general.

Here is a word of advise from another experienced diver/ PADI instructor ..... if someone is telling you something related to diving (or anything for that matter) is all good or all bad, question what they are telling you ... very thoroughly. Search hard to find where i have ever said PADI is perfect or all PADI instructors are good. You won't find that i have said that anywhere. I bet a similar search on what you have said about GUE would reveal much different results. IMO, you don't do your or GUE's credibility, any favors by taking this all or none approach.

I'm glad your trying to influence the next generation of divers to go in the direction you believe is correct. And i'm happy for you that GUE does it for you but IMO you need to watch how you generalize about things in which you seem to only have a limited knowledge of. There are plenty of good PADI or non-GUE instructors out there, putting out plenty of good divers. Sleep well sheck33. Its true, really!

And MikeF, i know i'm not helping. I was trying to inject a little jocularity into the conversation. That never seems to work on hot topics like this does it?

I'm probably the one who needs to see the shrink for trying to reason with the extreme. :banana: :D
BartBe once bubbled...
As i am only starting my OW course next week, and YES I have decided to go with PADI i can honestly say that i don't have a clue what is awaiting me.

Well if you go by some of the Post in this thread, you will find an instructor that loves you and the sport sooooooo much that he is going to teach you everything he knows (OW anyway). He will be so proficient it will not even be funny, you will see god like sunbeams coming from behind his head when you enter the class, But alas poor Eurick, when the class is over he will have lost so much money teaching, that he and his WHOLE family will be eating cat food,


You will walk in the class there will be a guy sitting with his feet on the desk and a P.A.D.I. hat on asking you for $$$$$$
then he will give you a cert. Card, throw you in the pool where two big guys in suits will demand money from you everytime you try to get out.


You will have a great time.
I am also P.A.D.I. and my instructor was awesome

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