Well,.. here I go once again. I just started my instructor course this week. We just took a mini- exam Wed. I did OK on it. We must score at least a 90% on it or we fail the course. I scored a 95%. We also took home a pre- test. Now,... that one kicked my butt. I'm just glad it wasn't the final. Once again if it were the final, I would have to score 90% or better. I scored a 84%. So, I have some work to do. Especially in the physics dept. I just need to remember the formulas & which scientist had what gas law. I really don't think the academics are going to too awful bad, but the skills,..... well,... they're there, but not yet of the quality needed for instruction. Will really have to work on that. Looks like this course will probably go 3-4 mos. at the current rate. So it looks like I will once again be busy, busy, busy.....