I too wanted to thank all that came out to enjoy the warm air and cold water of the 2009 Spring Meet & Greet. And of course special thanks to our ever so humble hosts Ted and John (Ted thanks again for the air mattress in the bunkhouse).
Great to hook up with old friends and new buddies including Divin'Hoosier and Rob, my night dive cohort.
And finally if you don't like to dive, but love to eat; then you really need to be a part of the next M & G!
It was a great night (aka "after dark") dive on Saturday. Definitely have to do more daylight dives on the east end of the shallow side ;-)
Wow! What a great time! Thanks to Ted and John and everyone for a great meet and greet. This is the second year I had to miss a Saturday night because of family commitments, but Friday almost made up for that.
I almost brought my daughter, but sitting around the fire on Friday convinced me that it might not be a good idea...unless I want her to "grow up really fast"...lol.
I'd like to say a personal thanks to Mike and Rob for being dive buddies. Wish I could have gotten a couple more dives in. Next time.
Good food, great company...what more could you ask for? I had a blast.
Looking forward to Fall!
John Walko
Uh, yeah, good call on leaving your daughter at home this time, but the gang can keep things clean for a short stretch. 2-3 minutes at a time at least if they're trying.

I have your inflator hose from Ted so we'll have to meet some time so you can get it back.
i just have to say we had an awesome time, pritch is looking into taking his advanced class and i'm looking into a pony bottle so we can dive the deep side to see the rest of the quarry, everyone was so nice two different guys let pritch use there light for the night dives thanks. Jordin has been practicing and she thinks we should make an obsticle course at fall MNG so she can redeem herself. it was really cool meeting everyone i talk to on here until next time
This was the first M&G that I had my own pony. You can usually borrow one to make a deep dive so don't let that be an excuse if you're ready in the fall.
OH, that reminds me: Did a firm weekend for the fall M&G get decided?