Looks like there are going to be a good number of folks there early. In previous years, once the early group gets signed in and after they get their camp sites setup, the first dive Friday is usually hitting the water around Noon. Given the number of folks coming early we should easily be able to meet everyone's objectives. There will certainly be a group doing the deep side entry and following the wall around to the road and up at the plane. There will most likely also be a group doing a deep dive past the tubes and down the road to Grimace. There will also most certainly be a few folks staying "shallow" on the first dive, maybe down to the tubes and back up to the plane/helo/bus.
Let's all touch base once we're signed in and setup and we can make sure everyone has a buddy for the dive they want to do.
As has been stated clearly, if you plan on diving beyond 60' be sure and file a deep dive plan along with your initial paperwork. If you haven't filled a deep plan before, it's a simple form that asks you questions about your experience, equipment and your dive plan (depth, time, safety stop). Be sure and be thorough, including units (ft, minutes, etc) and don't forget your planned safety stop! Mike then looks at these and either approves them or asks you to modify it. Have your log book with you as sometimes he wants you to show him your recent experience.
In some instances he may request that you not do the deep dive. In that event, please remember that this is his property and he's had to see multiple divers carried away either dead or unconscious in the past. These past events have been VERY hard on Mike and Jodie. Please respect his decision as he takes safety at his site very seriously. He's a good guy at heart and if he denies your deep dive request, please respect that and don't take it personally. There is PLENTY to see above 60'.
The forecast is looking fabulous! Better than I could have ever hoped for.
See everyone at Gilboa!