*Floater*:...I would also hope that dive shops would be responsible enough to fail them if they turn out not to be ready.
Apparently there's quite a bit of pressure on instructors to not only pass people, but do it quickly, painlessly, and on schedule for the shop. Instead of spending extra time/sessions with a student who is not "getting it", some instructors assume/hope that they will practice in the pool on their own and will get it before they get hurt. Once they have the c-card, however, who knows if they will ever practice again?
There is unfortunately a lot of pressure on instructors to not fail students and yet not spend extra time with them, and to bend or reinterpret the meaning of the concept of performing skills in a "reasonably comfortable fluid repeatable manner as would be expected of an Open Water Diver". There is a lot of willingness to take a diver's money without reasonably ensuring they are capable of making the dive, whether it be for O/W, AOW, or advanced dives. I know several amazing instructors who no longer teach or teach selectively because of their disappointment and having their "hands tied". What a shame...
Last summer in our area there was a girl taking the Advanced course who could not control her buoyancy at all, and had many runaway ascents. She passed anyway, even the Peak Performance Buoyancy. She continued to have runaway ascents and a couple of months ago spent time in a chamber after 2 runaway ascents (apparently equipment related) :11: She suffered tingling and mild nerve damage, which may or may not improve over time. A couple of weeks later, she was diving again. Unfortunately, divers don't always choose what's best for them, and don't always get a skill down pat after being whooshed through the system. :11: