TekDiveGirl:First off - I am glad you are ok and we didn't read about you in the dive accidents email list. Now on to other thoughts --
First when you start to panic you will get tunnel vision and also miss a lot of the obvious. People could have been much closer than you realized. I find it hard to believe that there were 4 dive professionals working in the water and none were aware of what was going on. Maybe it is the case - but something seems awry here.
Second - you have as much responsibility to stay with your buddy as your buddy has to stay with you. As a certified diver - you should have known where your buddy was or that s/he was even gone before you had the problems.
Your posts read as if you are blaming everybody else for not doing their jobs and keeping you "safe." Even if you were taking your advanced class --- you are still a certified diver out there and have the ultimate responsibility for your welfare.
You don't have much experience -- 25 dives over 6 years is not a lot. How many dives do you have in the year before this experience? You should get more time in the water - doing easy-peasy dives in varying conditions before pushing yourself harder. Just because you did 105' on air in HI doesn't mean you can do it comfortably everywhere else. You were in conditions you have never experienced.
HERE HERE!!! well said