Just reread this thread again. Last time I read it some things just did not jump out. Probably on second shift and 1 or 2 in the AM. Regardless I did not post then but after reading this today I've got to ask why you were doing the grove with so little experience. Even if it was your aow what were you told in the classroom about handling the situation? Did they ask to see your logbook? Did you tell them that you only had 20 some dives in 6 yrs? And since when is a DM your personal babysitter unless you pay him extra to be? Also this latest post regarding the status of the other people on the boat really gets my dander up. There was a similar situation/thread awhile back about whether a DM,AI,Instructor who is on a boat but on vacation is liable for any accidents. The answer to me as to why the DM did not tell everybody to stay with him in a group is because if two of the people were instructors and another was a dm on vacation is that they must have indicated in some way that was satisfactory to him that they were perfectly capable of handling themselves. They therefore had no need to stay with him and certainly no need to watch you. Also what the h**l were you doing at 105 in hawaii without your advanced or deep cert with so little experience. Did you perhaps tell the DM that you were at 105 on air and so intimated that you had deep experience? Maybe he felt that you were more experienced than you really were and therefore did not need to be watched as closely. That this was a formality for you. Something about this whole incident stinks and just convinces me as a DM candidate that when it comes time I'll check logs and question people closer if I have any doubts about their experience. Maybe go over some basic knowledge too if I don't know them. And if it turns out that someone is planning to go deep with me and they are of the same experience level as you were that they better find another op or I'm going to be on them like glue when we hit the water. Get some more experience and be honest with the shop/Instructor/DM/operator and this type of incident won't happen again. JEESH! 24 dives in 6 yrs,105 without proper instruction a month before which the DM may have mistakenly taken as deep experience,the grove for aow wreck/deep dive, prone to panic as indicated by ljINfla, and chewing a nicotine suppository before the dive, can you say ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN!!!!?