scubalifer:Ok, you went to that depth in those conditions after twenty-five dives over a six year period? This is a statistic waiting to happen. I am glad you are ok but it is true that a disaster can be traced back to several small things that get overlooked. I also think who ever is training you should have made you go progressively deep and get in many more dives before taking you into that condition. But you are an adult and are responsible for yourself. I just dont think there is any way possible to have your basic skills in place with an average of four dives a year. I would either say get busy diving or pick another hobby. IMHO.
The thread has not had a response in well over 7 months, and the point was BEAT to death bofore it finally had died a long overdue death!
The original Author of the thread has NOT been back on SB in 2006, so don't count on much response from him IF he is even still diving.....
PLEASE let it die once again! :mooner: