Green Hand:I posed a question on the Basic Scubs Diving thread yesterday asking 'Why Scuba and not Tennis' and this is exactly the sort of thinking and discussion I was hoping to encourage.
Since visiting Scuba Board [only the last couple of weeks] and reading threads such as this one discussing Casemanagers panic attack I have started to think far more deeply about diving, why I do it and why others do it.
Asside from entering another world there is a lot that comes with it, technical proficiency, self confidence, self belief, team work, spousal support, expense, planning etc.etc. So it begs the question why did we choose it and why do we continue to do it.
Why do people push the limits with technical and cave diving - is that a personality trait [in their opinion] or does that come with experience, confidence and training? Personally the thought of diving deep in a cave that has one way in and one way out and could silt up in second terrifies me. But then I am a very inexperienced diver.
I'll keep pondering my thoughts.
Hey! nice to see you again lol. I just got done posting on your question on scuba vs tennis.