I don't see the point in chasing around the facts in a negative way it does not really matter what really happened and casemanager has not mentioned the instructor or the people he was diving with so instead of trying to prove casemanager was in the wrong and not the instructor how about some encouragement. A gentle reminder that one should not blame others for ones mistakes would have been ok.
First, what do mean it doesn't really matter what really happened to casemanager? Isn't that the point of coming to this forum seek advice? How does anyone give advice without knowing what really happened? It sounds a little irresponsible to me, coming from an instructor to say that the facts don't matter, that all that is needed here is a little gentle encouragment. He came here looking for an evaluation of the situation and that is what he is getting. It is not about blame it is about understanding what is within his control and what is not and what can be done about those things. It is about understnad ALL of the circumstances, before during and after, that contributed to this and how to get around them. It is not blame it is honesty and understanding.
And what thread have you been reading anyway? I suggest you go back and read more carefully. Casemanager has mentioned the instructor and his buddy and the DM on the trip with negative implications.
Rather encourage people with a positive attitude; it's a sad day when people feel chased away from diving due to people passing blame around. The diving community needs people with good attitudes that encourage people to enjoy diving and want to learn and experience the joys of diving.
What? don't you think that there are some people that just should not be diving? What if he is one of them?
We could have all kept our opinions on the persons mental state, drugs he was taking etc to ourselves and perhaps offered encouragement and good solid advice on what to do. As stated in threads casemanager has not divulged his medical history but he has said he does not suffer from panic attacks and had been chewing gum and was using a patch.
Are you suggesting the a person's mental state and control, and the medications he was taking should not be a a part of good and responsible advice? What about other conditions that could have contributed? Do these not matter to to good and responsible advice? You seem to be suggesting that the only person's word that should be considered here about what happened that day is casemanager's. Should we ignore other facts from peole that were there as well?
Here is some solid advice that could have been given; we could also have added our own positive words of encouragement.
(1) Seek medical advice on what to do; we do not know what the person operating the chamber has said or why this person suggested not diving again.
Yes we do
(3) One symptom of Narcosis can be anxiety; this has happened to many people on occasion. Remember going up a little can ease these feelings
Why did going up a little not help in this case? Why, per casemanagers own words, did he say that at twenty feet, and on the boat ride to port, he was still panicing about staying at depth. Why does he still FEAR water to the point of being uncomfotable taking a shower? Might this suggest other issues?
(8) check on the meds you are taking before diving, never presume anything is ok. even the gum and patch could have adverse effects. (if you read casemanagers comments these are the only drugs taken)
Clearly my facts as I relayed them do not figure into your thinking here. I was there. The instructor was there. others were there and heard casemanager say the facts about the other drugs. Let's just ignore that shall we?:11:
the list of positive advice goes on. positive attitudes are what will help the dive industry grow and a part of this thread has certainly not helped that. Any new divers or potential divers reading this may just decide they don't want to dive after all.
Yes, let's just all stay positive and give nice positive thoughts to every other diver. That will solve everything, answer all issues and questions, and the world wil be a more beautiful place.
You know, I have not been emotional through this entire thread but this one really amazes me. I am starting to understand more about what others are saying about how these agencies certify instructors.:05: