awap: ...I was looking at a micrometer just the other day...
I did the exact same thing and came to the same conclusion, even though these guys go for 25 bucks nowadays!
Thanks for trying. On my side, both springs appear to be identical.
I just swapped back the parts and checked the IP: i've got the exact same numbers (over time) as before the swap, so I'm getting away this time for disturbing something that works.
scubafanatic: ...what is the $ value...
I'm pretty careful with my time... at work (sadly, I have to work for a living).
After hours, I'm a born tinkerer and I have to mess with my gears, sometimes improving, sometimes degrading

. But it's all in a learning process.
That being said, the $ value of this board is gigantic, and the lessons I learned in this thread testify to that. Even if you leave out all the mecanical technicalities, the high level story is:
I used to be a carefree diver, leaving happily the maintenance to some unknown guys somewhere and survived. With the kids being certified, I started realizing that 4 sets + 1 or 2 spare could mean a grand a year.
And so I looked into doing some of the work myself, found this board, learned a lot of stuff from the great folks here, i.e. my set works great probably because of the instant lockup and recovery, my wife's former set is less good because of the slow creep, and, most importantly, what should be done to keep your gear in great shape, and also why a LDS CANNOT afford to do the kind of work that's advocated here.
To me, this is worth more than gold, certainly more than the time I spent reading all of the previous posts.
In addition, there's something I (jokingly) tell my business friends when they complain that it's hard to keep up with all those new technologies: I say: it's 9PM, you've just put the kids to bed, what do you wanna do? Watch TV? Or do some research/studying?