Interesting point. I am surprised at how little IP drop Zung reports when the reg is purged. My Mk5s and 10s all drop from about 125-130 psi to about 90 psi when purged. That opening is one thing that could effect the responsiveness of the gauge.
Wrong lead, my bad, sorry.
I live in a residential area and I do most of the work in the evening or at night, so I rarely if ever do a full sustained purge to avoid annoying the neighbours. In a quiet place, a full purge is LOUD! On top of that, I'm cheap and I try to make a tank last as long as I can

. So the "drops" I reported are more like what happens after a deep breath or a light purge. If you guys think it's important to measure the full drop, I can go to the dive club and do a real blast from there.
The gauge itself should be OK: for a starter, I didn't make it, I paid 30 bucks for it at a shop, so it must be good, right

? The other thing is, I always get some pretty credible ranges and distributions from that gauge, like IP from 1 unit at 120, through 3 units at 130 PSI to 2 units at 150 PSI; and the IP recovery (after a light purge) from less than a second (3 units) to several minutes (3 units). And the readings are pretty reproductible too.
I set aside this weekend to work on mattboy's secret receipe.
I got myself a decent 20x loupe and checked the brass piston I removed from my #3 MK10 (ex-)Plus, the one which started this thread. The knife edge is horribly scratched, and the part of the stem which is not chrome plated has many tiny pits. I'll see if I can find a way to take a picture of it.
OTOH, I looked long and hard at the stainless steel shaft from the composite piston I removed from my #2 MK20, I can only find 1 light scratch on the body about 2mm from the knife edge and about 5mm long, plus some roughness on some parts of the knife edge and the body. But then again, when I compare it against a brand new piston I have, the wear & tear are very obvious.