Some Musings on Etiquette (Hey what's that) When in Cozumel and Other "Stuff"

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Personally I get upset when I see somebody who has the resources to go on a trip to a place like that and then turns cheapassed.

It's my opinion that cheap skates make up a very disporportionate number of the dive community. They bargain shop the crap out of dive trips, hotels..etc... they vehemently defend wasting local dive shop owners time only to go online to make their equipment purchase and MF the dive shop in the next breath for being their own fault for having prices higher than somebody online, they print out taxi rate cards and argue with taxi drivers all day long over an additional $20 pesos, they rent cars from the cheapest place on the island they can find, they negotiate day trips with 10 taxi drivers, until they find the cheapest one.. they eat as far off the main drag as possible under the guise of "it's authentic" as if nothing else is unless it's 10 blocks off the water, when in reality it's the $5.00 meals that attract them.

And in the same breath they want to make sure everybody sees them tip the DM on the way off the boat.

Something ain't right. LOL

That's why I think it's a bit presumptuous to put out these 'standards' of tipping and such and trying to shame others into your tipping belief on specific situation, under scrutiny most of these opinions don't hold up when you take the persons other behaviors in regard to financial matters into consideration. There just isn't a whole lot of logic or consistancy being applied. Why I say, do your thing and don't worry what others are doing or not doing.

"Let's try this light heartedly."
I don't see anyone trying to "shame" anyone into tipping. There is certainly nothing wrong with suggesting a standard or a range when it comes to tipping. Especially if one is new to the sport or who might be going on their first dive trip (like some have already stated here and they are or were unfamiliar with it). Just like any type of activity or sport you participate in, it is always nice when others can make suggestions. Are you really gong to be offended just because someone made a suggestion? At the end of the day, they are going to make their own decisions. I've never seen anyone humiliated into tipping, and I guarantee that those out there that don't feel a need to tip at all, will continue to do so regardless of what anyone says.

I, for one, couldn't agree more with DMoore19! But, that's just my opinion and you know what they say about "opinions".

It would be nice to see some other suggestions. I am always learning. Thanks.
I guess I am a little touchy about this subject right now. I was in Cozumel in March. One of the folks that was on the trip with the group didn't tip anybody at the hotel. When we ended up eating at the same table I would always cover a small for him. He seemed to be a little tight on money so an extra buck or 2 was not big deal. I did an afternoon dive and when I came back, he had been to town and was sporting a new pair of $200/sunglasses and a few other things. Kind of pissed me off. Then when we came to the last day of diving, he claimed poverty and was not going to leave a tip. The group leader from the LDS loaned him the money for the tip. I hope he got paid back.

I really don't understand some people. As Mfinley919 pointed out, some things just defy logic.
It's my opinion that cheap skates make up a very disporportionate number of the dive community. They bargain shop the crap out of dive trips, hotels..etc... they vehemently defend wasting local dive shop owners time only to go online to make their equipment purchase and MF the dive shop in the next breath for being their own fault for having prices higher than somebody online, they print out taxi rate cards and argue with taxi drivers all day long over an additional $20 pesos, they rent cars from the cheapest place on the island they can find, they negotiate day trips with 10 taxi drivers, until they find the cheapest one.. they eat as far off the main drag as possible under the guise of "it's authentic" as if nothing else is unless it's 10 blocks off the water, when in reality it's the $5.00 meals that attract them.

And in the same breath they want to make sure everybody sees them tip the DM on the way off the boat.

Something ain't right. LOL

That's why I think it's a bit presumptuous to put out these 'standards' of tipping and such and trying to shame others into your tipping belief on specific situation, under scrutiny most of these opinions don't hold up when you take the persons other behaviors in regard to financial matters into consideration. There just isn't a whole lot of logic or consistancy being applied. Why I say, do your thing and don't worry what others are doing or not doing.
Hehe, some of that sounds like me. Not much fortunately, the way you put it. Your views are always interesting to consider as I do get off track at times. I just hope you intend to be as humorous as you sound.

I really do wish tipping was not as much of the standards as it is, but it is - so I'll try to be reasonable about it. My handing my tips to the DMs openly before we dock so others can take a hint is easy enough for the cheaper ones to ignore I bet.
I guess I am a little touchy about this subject right now. I was in Cozumel in March. One of the folks that was on the trip with the group didn't tip anybody at the hotel. When we ended up eating at the same table I would always cover a small for him. He seemed to be a little tight on money so an extra buck or 2 was not big deal. I did an afternoon dive and when I came back, he had been to town and was sporting a new pair of $200/sunglasses and a few other things. Kind of pissed me off. Then when we came to the last day of diving, he claimed poverty and was not going to leave a tip. The group leader from the LDS loaned him the money for the tip. I hope he got paid back.

I really don't understand some people. As Mfinley919 pointed out, some things just defy logic.
That guys is a loser. I would suspect that he felt he could barely afford the trip, but just had to go, didn't have dive insurance, and if he got hurt - everyone else in his group would feel compelled to save him by chipping in for his treatment.
The economy in Cozumel has suffered tremendously over the past few years due to the triple whammy laid down by the Swine flu scare, the economic meltdown and all the bad press generated by the drug cartels. I love the place and the people and am very fortunate to be able to visit a few times a year. I've tried to be a little more generous recently to help them out at a time when they're hurting. Hopefully, things will soon turn around for everybody and we can all enjoy Coz even more than we do now.
Hehe, some of that sounds like me. Not much fortunately, the way you put it. Your views are always interesting to consider as I do get off track at times. I just hope you intend to be as humorous as you sound.

Yes, please consider it at least a somewhat humourous attempt more than anything. I'm not singling anybody out, especially you Don, as you should know, you are my hero!

By-the-way, everyone, the official tip has changed, I just got a tweet from Cozumel and it's not $6.32 anymore, its now $6.29. I think it's tied to the price of oil or maybe taco meat or something, possibly margarita mix maybe?

Everyone please make a notation to the change.


PS - I have a nice cozumel tip chart that you can print out and bring with you to Cozumel, it makes it pretty easy to figure out the tip percentage.

By-the-way, everyone, the official tip has changed, I just got a tweet from Cozumel and it's not $6.32 anymore, its now $6.29. I think it's tied to the price of oil or maybe taco meat or something, possibly margarita mix maybe?
I'm more confused than ever! Oh my. Perhaps you could just come along with us to the cantinas to help us figure out the check and the exchange rate. Then, when the bill comes, I can disappear into the ladies room until you all figure it out. :D
You're talking about dive ops in Cozumel too aren't you?

That statment you made truly displays the irony and the rationalizations of this whole thing better then anything else.

You have issues in regard to USA restaurant tipping but you aren't against tipping DM's or boat crews in Mexico? WTF?

That just shows you how every single person draws their own personal lines in the sand in regard to tipping and how personal tipping is, one person feels this industry should get tips, this one shouldn't, this one should get this amount, this one this percentage.

Seriously folks, I can't roll my eyes fast enough at stuff like this discussion.

Tip what you want, don't tip, tip large, tip small, tip with advice, tip with beads and trinkets, tip with stock certificates, tip with cash, tip with sea shells, tip with a t-shirt, tip with a nice smile and a thank you... or don't tip at all.

There ain't no right or wrong, their ain't no standard tip.

Tip based on your HEART and you won't go wrong.

I'll tip or not tip any thing or any amount I want and I don't give a rats ass about somebody on the boat who approves or disapproves one way or the other as I'm getting off the boat, whether I tipped or didn't, whether I am catching them up at the end of the week or daily or maybe for all you know I slapped a Giesel on the guy on the first day and paid all my tips in advance, and told him, "This is for the great week of diving and service we are going to have with you."

It's none of anybodies business, and most likely whatever assumptions anybody makes about anybody else and their tipping, I'll gurantee you're probably going to be wrong anyways. Just dive and enjoy your self and don't worry about whether somebody tipped to your satisfaction or not, it's none of your business. You're probably way more worried then the DM is in the first place.
What he said. I tip what I can and what I feel is warranted, and I don't want to be preached at about whether what I am doing is "acceptable".
We all make our own decisions, no one has to decide for us. Before i travel i set my tip money for my wife and i aside,its a planned expense and i account for it. Everyone works hard for there money, i have no problem tipping the people who take care of things when iam on vacation. We meet a couple some years ago at an ai, i watched them and w.e became great friends for many years . I saw how they tipped and the responses they got, from that moment on i completely changed my perspective of tipping the hard working people who make your trip safe and enjoyable.
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We're new to boat diving and thus far have only been on boats with the same crew throughout our stay. Thanks for the advice on tipping in Cozumel.

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