So who on the board has made a dif to you?

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At the risk of being too broad, EVERYONE who posts here is to be thanked.

The people that ask the questions.
The people that answer them.
The people that stir the pot.
The people that provoke discussion.
The people that talk tech.
The people that are all about travel.
The people that write about their latest gear purchase.
The people with their tales of woe from this dealer or that.
The folks from the manufacturers who post here.
The instructors and DMs who post here.
The "local" folks wherever they are who provide input on locations.


I am not asking Dandy to pose in a speedo--PLEASE DON'T!
Ha! Never happen. Now about your bikini pic...?

I do wear one under my skin for more discreet changing into shorts, and some wisebutt took a pic at an insulting angle on a Utila trip, then put it in a gallery - ended up on a hot discussion thread. We had some trouble makers on that trip. :light:

Oh BTW, we have a number of very helpful contributors here, and one of my favs is Dr.Deco...! His explanations are so enlightening...!!


Here is some Kudos to the 80 degree florida weather...

Kudos to all my dive buddies, near and far. Kudos to all the amusing trolls.

Kudos to FLORIDA CONCH DIVERS forum people.
Kudos to all the amusing trolls.
Some things are funnier said by some people...
Wow. Lemmie think.

First, the legends from the golden era of SB: Uncle Pug, Oring, Spectre, Scubaroo, Walter and some others. These people changed the way I look at diving forever.

MHK - Mi Hermano and BSoMeter

Arnaud - my first real dive buddy

HBDiveGurl - current first call dive buddy, the diver I've poured the most into and the person who taught me to appreciate the beauty of our SoCal coastline. I will enjoy every dive for the rest of my life a little bit more because of our hundreds of dives together. Its only been 16 months.... wow.

Headhunter and Ted S - we will be connected for life.

To the CACrew - the Norcals who are generous and giving, all of the SoCals who I love so much, the OCals who keep trying (despite nature's instance) to proove to me there is decent diving in the 714, the LowCals who open their arms every time we come to San Diego and La Jolla. I love all of you guys, too.

The board stopped making a difference to me years ago. Its now the people I've been able to shake out of the thing that have the lasting impact. And I'm grateful to all the wonderful people I've met.

Yup...TSandM headlines for me. Very much enjoying her counsel on the 21W Salvo I bought.

Lot to be said for both Uncle Pug and Mo2vation...although they don't know that I was listening while they were talking.

Many thanks for the "Board" in soon as my drysuit arrives I will have made full use of all the counsel you have been kind enough to provide.

Uncle Pug - Mentor, friend.

NWGratefuldiver -Teacher, straight thinker, welcomed me and dived with me when I was a nOOb.

OE2X - Friend, encourager.

Dr. Deco - Expert, educator.

Uncle Ricky - Straight shooter, speaks of what he knows.

Net Doc - Cares about the board and the members.

Jeff G. - Makes me laugh.

Lot's more. These are just a few off the top.
Wow, what a wonderful thread for ME to open this afternoon -- a real Christmas present!

There are some absolutely wonderful people writing on this board.

Of course, the Scubaboarder who has made the biggest difference for me is Bob (NWGratefulDiver), who took me under his wing when I was still doing my descents on my back, and spent hours and patient hours working through all the stuff I hadn't learned or couldn't do until I became competent enough to complete a dive without some major mishap. And then he sent me off in the direction that he knew would be precisely right for me.

After Bob is my dear dive buddy, Kirk (DoubleDip). Kirk, who has spent uncounted hours drilling and practicing with me, who has put up with my clumsiness and my slowness to get some of this stuff. Kirk, who always wants to do it again until we get it RIGHT. And with whom I have spent some truly wonderful purely fun dives, because diving with somebody you've built that much of a partnership with is really rich diving.

Other Scubaboarders have made a difference just in writing, although I've never met them. I've read every thread Uncle Pug ever started, I think, and I'm looking forward to actually getting a chance to talk to him for the first time at Christmas. A very close second is Diver0001. Not only has he written a number of incredibly thought-provoking and educational threads, he has a fabulous knack for inserting a comment in someone else's thread that makes you rock back on your haunches and completely rethink the issue. Thank you, Rob, for that "What made you call that an emergency?" comment! And then there's Doc Intrepid, the king of pragmatism and practicality, with a true gift for word coinage (stroketastic -- wow!)

Mike Ferrara, GDI, DA Aquamaster, Tobin . . . oh, and let's not forget LAMONT, who has written some fabulous posts and threads. Thalassamania, whose passion for overdecorated language may well exceed mine. Mo2vation, whose "Assimilation" threads made me howl and prepared me well for Fundies. HBDiveGirl, who's become a real friend, and my only regret is that Southern California is so far away. PerroneFord, with whom I've shared stories of a lot of frustrations and small triumphs. Rick Inman, whose humor and moral support in Fundies was so much appreciated, and with whom I'm sorry I've never had a chance to dive!

And although I'm not going to enumerate them all, I also owe a lot to the people who disagree with me. Those who challenge what I've learned or come to believe, and make me think things through and defend my positions are invaluable. Only through that kind of exercise does one become truly a thinking diver.
Mine are actually folks I knew before they joined ScubaBoard. They include my #1 dive buddy Andrea and my future dive buddy Heather whose screen names will remain unmentioned to protect their innocence and avoid blemishing their reputations by letting everyone know they dive with me.

Of course the Wrinkles Dive group from the SoCal forum deserves mention because they got me to dive the mainland for the first time in 35 years!

NetDoc for putting this crazy community together in the first place.

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